Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Week of Mar. 3 to Mar. 7

 This Week's Schedule:  Both TTs are open this week. Make appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday. 

On Monday, all classes will go the the CFA to attend the ASB forum. You will have a chance to hear speeches by the candidates for ASB offices.  Come to room 122 first, so that I can take attendance, and we will walk to the CFA together.  You will be returning to room 122 to get your backpacks after the assembly.  Leave your backpack in your locker if you don't want to leave it in 122 -- don't bring it to the CFA.  

Voting will take place on Tuesday, March 4th.  You should receive a ballot in your school email. 

It's Cultural Week.  Listen to the announcements for information about events taking place this week. 

Teacher-Made TT Appointments: If I make a TT appointment for you, please come to room 122 for TT.  If you feel you should go to another class, see me to clear this with me.   

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

We'll continue our discussion of "totalitarian" rulers.  

New Vocabulary!

You'll study some maps, and answer questions about the maps. 

We'll cover the rise of Hitler -- the fascist leader of Germany, and how he convinced Germans to vote for him. 

US History

If you didn't hand in a propaganda poster on Friday of last week, turn it in on Monday. 

We'll review the textbook assignment on "War and Civil Rights."

You will be taking an open-note quiz on two textbook sections: "Mobilizing the Homefront" and "War and Civil Rights."  It's very important that you have good notes for each of these assignments. 

We'll cover the circumstances behind the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and the consequences for Japanese and Japanese-Americans living in the United States during the War. 

We'll move on to the American response to the Holocaust, and the topic of "war crimes." 

Edpuzzle for this week: African Americans during WWII.