Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Week of Sept. 26 t0 Sept. 30

 Important Information for All Students: 

Schedule: Regular schedule with block periods. (Check to school website to see the schedules.)  

Tuesday's TT is closed. Wednesday is open. Make an appointment. 

Trojan Time Calendar 

Class Expectations: Please come to class on time every day, with your computer, binder, paper and pen/pencil.  Please turn your phone off and put it away at the beginning of the period. If it's OK for you to use the phone during class, I'll let you know. 

Many assignments will be posted in Google Classroom, but others will be distributed in class.  Check Aeries for your current grade. Aeries is the official gradebook. 

COVID Precautions:  Most school activities will be "in person" this year! Masks are highly recommended but not required.  Masks are available in the office. Hand sanitizer will be available in the classroom.  If you have flu-like symptoms, please report this to the office.  


EL World History

Last Week:

Quiz and Test: If you want to do quiz or test corrections, make an appointment for Trojan Time on Wednesday. 

You wrote a paragraph on one of the philosophers.   Which philosopher had the best ideas about human nature and government? 

On Friday, you took the unit test on Rise of Democracy, and I did a binder check.  

You made a new divider for your binder: The French Revolution. 

You received a reading with questions on Louis XIV, known as the Sun King. 

This Week:

We'll start our coverage of the French Revolution.  You'll complete a diagram on the background to this major political event. 

You will take notes on conditions in France before the Revolution. 

We'll finish and review the reading on the Sun King.

You'll get some new words for your vocabulary notebook. 

We'll focus on the social-political system in France: The Three Estates. 

There is an Edpuzzle video on the French Revolution. 

US History

Last Week: 

On Monday, you took the unit test on Territorial Expansion of the US.  

If you missed this test, you should make it up by the end of this week, in order to avoid a point deduction. 

You handed in a packet of materials from your binder. 

I handed out an introductory reading on the Civil War, and you answered some questions and filled in a chart showing sectional differences before the war. 

Edpuzzle: Sectionalism and Slavery

I showed some slides reviewing basic facts about the Civil War.  

You watched a bit of a PBS video and took notes on important people and events. 

You used the textbook to fill in a timeline of events leading to the Civil War. 

This Week: 

You'll finish the timeline of events leading to the outbreak of the Civil War. 

We'll complete a map of the division of the country during the Civil War. 

You'll complete a reading outline of a text selection covering the crucial Supreme Court decision in the Dred Scott case.   There is an Edpuzzle video on the Dred Scott case. 

We may watch a bit more of the PBS video. 

Quiz: sectionalism and events leading to the Civil War. 

AP European History

Last Week: 

I assigned the remaining parts of the Chapter 13 SG. 

AP Vids were posted.  There's also an Edpuzzle on the English Reformation, and a couple of optional Crash Course videos on the Reformation. 

I put some MCQs into AP Classroom for you.  Do your best - the point is to familiarize yourself with the format. 

Finish the SG, including the IDs and the fill-in questions. You'll also be handing in the chart of religions. and the chart showing the causes/consequences/Catholic responses to the Reformation. 

We watched a little more of Queen Margot. 

We covered the English Reformation, the Dutch Revolt and Philip II. 

This Week: 

We still have to cover the witch craze and the Thirty Years' War.

I'll try to give you some class time to finish the Chapter 13 SG, but be prepared to hand it in.

AP Vids are posted. 

We'll try another AP-style free response question, either a DBQ or SAQ. 

Try the MCQs in AP Classroom, if you haven't already done so. 

If you're planning to watch the optional Crash Course videos on the Reformation, do it now. 

On to Expansion/Exploration (Chapter 14). 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Week of Sept. 19 to Sept. 23

 Important Information for All Students: 

Schedule: Regular schedule with block periods. (Check to school website to see the schedules.)  

Both Trojan Times are open.  Make appointments for both Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Trojan Time Calendar 

Class Expectations: Please come to class on time every day, with your computer, binder, paper and pen/pencil.  Please turn your phone off and put it away at the beginning of the period. If it's OK for you to use the phone during class, I'll let you know. 

Many assignments will be posted in Google Classroom, but others will be distributed in class.  Check Aeries for your current grade. Aeries is the official gradebook. 

COVID Precautions:  Most school activities will be "in person" this year! Masks are highly recommended but not required.  Masks are available in the office. Hand sanitizer will be available in the classroom.  If you have flu-like symptoms, please report this to the office.  


EL World History

Last Week:

Your added a final set of social studies vocabulary words to your notebook. 

Philosophers of government.  You read short texts on various philosophers and filled in a chart.  You should be able to identify each philosopher by his ideas.

Edpuzzle Video: John Locke 

You took a quiz on the basic social studies vocabulary we have been studying since the beginning of the semester.  

This Week:

If you want to retake the vocabulary quiz, make an appointment for Trojan Time on Tuesday or Wednesday. 

You'll be preparing to write a paragraph on one of the philosophers.   Which philosopher had the best ideas about human nature and government? 

US History

Last Week: 

We discussed early US policies, including exploration of the Louisiana Purchase, and the outbreak of another war with England. 

Edpuzzle video: The Indian Removal Act. 

We discussed the policy of Native American "removal," and the concept of "forced assimilation."

You completed a chart on Territorial Acquisitions, showing the areas of land that were added to the US, and you'll complete a map to accompany the chart. 

You answered some questions on President Andrew Jackson, using my slides as a resource. 

This Week:

On Monday, you'll take the unit test on Territorial Expansion of the US.  

You will hand in a packet of materials from your binder. 

I'll hand out an introductory reading on the Civil War, and you will answer some questions and fill in a chart showing sectional differences before the war. 

Edpuzzle: Sectionalism and Slavery

I'll introduce some Civil War Basics, and you will begin a timeline of events leading to the Civil War. 

AP European History

Last Week: 

We're continuing the Reformation, focusing on religious and political outcomes. 

We'll try to get a grip on how Luther attacked the authority of the Catholic Church. 

We'll discuss two primary sources: Luther's 95 Theses and Erasmus' Praise of Folly, and the differences between Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism.  Use your chart to take notes. 

AP Vids are posted. There are also two Crash Course videos, which are optional but recommended.  They are worth 5 points each. 

I lectured on the French Wars of Religion. We watched a little bit of Queen Margot. 

I assigned the last 3 of the SG questions. They're due on Monday. 

This Week:

AP Vids are posted.  There's also an Edpuzzle on the English Reformation. 

Finish the SG, including the IDs and the fill-in questions. 

We might watch a little more of the movie. 

We need to cover the English Reformation, the Counter Reformation, Philip II and the Thirty Years' War. Get ready. 

We should also try organizing documents again. 

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Week of Sept. 12 to Sept. 16

 Important Information for All Students: 

Schedule: Regular schedule with block periods. (Check to school website to see the schedules.)  

Closed TT on Tuesday. Open TT on Wednesday.  Tuesday's TT includes a reading assessment. 

Next Week: Both Trojan Times are Open. Make appointments for both days.

Trojan Time Calendar

Progress Reports: Check Aeries to see your Progress Report grade. 

Class Expectations: Please come to class on time every day, with your computer, binder, paper and pen/pencil.  Please turn your phone off and put it away at the beginning of the period. If it's OK for you to use the phone during class, I'll let you know. 

Many assignments will be posted in Google Classroom, but others will be distributed in class.  Check Aeries for your current grade. Aeries is the official gradebook. 

COVID Precautions:  Most school activities will be "in person" this year! Masks are highly recommended but not required.  Masks are available in the office. Hand sanitizer will be available in the classroom.  If you have flu-like symptoms, please report this to the office.  


EL World History

Last Week:

You turned in your poster.  

We compared autocracy and democracy. You read a text and filled in a chart. 

You completed a Venn diagram. 

We reviewed types of government and took a quick quiz. 

This Week: 

More new words for your vocabulary notebook. 

We'll move on to the philosophers of government.  You'll read some short text on various philosophers and fill in a chart.  You should be able to identify each philosopher by his ideas.

Edpuzzle Video: John Locke 

You'll be preparing to write a paragraph on one of the philosophers. 

US History

Last Week: 

You finished the physiographic map of the US, and we reviewed it together. 

Your Cornell notes on Territorial Expansion were due, and we reviewed the notes and the format together. 

Class notes: the new US government after the Revolution.  You took notes, and completed a Quick Quiz on Friday

Edpuzzle Video: Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny. Due Friday. 

This Week: 

We'll discuss early US policies, including exploration of the Louisiana Purchase, and the outbreak of another war with England. 

Edpuzzle video: The Indian Removal Act.  We'll discuss the policy of Native American "removal." 

You'll complete a chart on Territorial Acquisitions, showing the areas of land that were added to the US, and you'll complete a map to accompany the chart. 

AP European History

Last Week: 

We reviewed the SG for Chapter 12.

You finished the DBQ outline, and used the outline to write a DBQ.

We moved on to the Reformation.  

SG 13 is posted in GC.  You got many handouts, of course. 

AP Vids are posted in GC. 

This Week:

We're continuing the Reformation, focusing on religious and political outcomes. 

We'll try to get a grip on how Luther attacked the authority of the Catholic Church. 

We'll discuss two primary sources: Luther's 95 Theses and Erasmus' Praise of Folly, and the differences between Catholicism, Lutheranism, and Calvinism.  Use your chart to take notes. 

AP Vids are posted. There are also two Crash Course videos, which are optional but recommended.  They are worth 5 points each. 

Monday, September 05, 2022

Week of Sepember 6 to September 9

 Important Information for All Students: 

Schedule: Regular schedule with block periods. (Check to school website to see the schedules.)  

Closed TT on Tuesday. Open TT on Wednesday.  

Trojan Time Calendar

Progress Reports: Grades will be submitted to the office on Tuesday evening. Check Aeries and see me if you have questions.  

Class Expectations: Please come to class on time every day, with your computer, binder, paper and pen/pencil.  Please turn your phone off and put it away at the beginning of the period. If it's OK for you to use the phone during class, I'll let you know. 

Check this weblog often.  Many assignments will be posted in Google Classroom, but others will be distributed in class.  Check Aeries for your current grade. Aeries is the official gradebook. 

COVID Precautions:  Most school activities will be "in person" this year! Masks are highly recommended but not required.  Masks are available in the office. Hand sanitizer will be available in the classroom.  If you have flu-like symptoms, please report this to the office.  


EL World History

Last Week:

We finished the notes on "What is Government?" and we'll review the types of government together. 

You filled in a chart on types of government. 

You added new words to your vocabulary notebook. 

This Week:

Your posters are due.  We'll review types of government and take a quick quiz. 

More new words for your vocabulary notebook. 

We'll move on to the philosophers of government.  You'll read some short text on various philosophers and fill in a chart.  You should be able to identify each philosopher by his ideas. 

You'll be preparing to write a paragraph on one of the philosophers. 

US History

Last Week: 

On Monday, you took the quiz on the events leading to the American Revolution. 

Textbook questions: Winning the War. 

I lectured on the aftermath of the war. 

You used several sources to answer questions about the Constitution. 

Edpuzzle Video: Constitutional Compromises. 

We moved on to our unit on Territorial Expansion of the USA. You answered a set of questions about US geography, and started working on a physiographic map. 

This Week:

You'll finish the physiographic map of the US. 

Textbook Notes: Territorial Expansion. 

Class notes: the new US government after the Revolution. 

Edpuzzle Video: Westward Expansion and Manifest Destiny

AP European History

Last Week: 

AP Vids were posted in GC. 

Map Quiz at Block!

You turned in your completed Chapter 12 SG, together with your annotations on Petrarch and Bruni. 

You finished the questions on Machiavelli and More. 

I showed some slides on the New Monarchs, and you filled in your chart. 

We began a practice DBQ -- you'll read, discuss and sort a set of documents, and create a plan for a DBQ.  We'll review the scoring guidelines for the DBQ. 

This Week:

We'll review the SG and your annotations. 

You'll finish the DBQ outline.

We'll move on to the Reformation.  

SG 13 is posted in GC.  You'll be getting some handouts, of course. 

AP Vids are posted in GC.