Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

US History:
1. Finish the "Who Am I" chart for Thursday, December 1.
2. The test for this unit is Friday, December 2.
3. If you are doing the review sheet for extra credit, it must be handed in before the test. Maximum is 10 points credit for really good answers. Significance!

World Civ.:
1. Due Thursday: your map of the British Empire.

1. Due Friday: Outline #5 (Rise of Holland; Fall of Spain).
2. You may re-write outline 1 or 2 for a better grade if you are unhappy with your score or if your paper was returned without a score. Please get these to me asap.
3. The multiple choice test for this chapter will take place on Friday. Your Study Guides will be due at that time, as well as your PERSIA comparison of France and England.
4. Thursday will be a "catchup" day...bring your Study Guide and book, and any other work you need to finish up.

Monday, November 28, 2005

US History:
1. Due at block: 250-300 word paragraph on "Models of Immigrant Acculturation."
2. Please bring your book to block!

World Civ:
1. Due at block: Textbook assignment entitled "Imperialism Divides Africa."
2. Bring your books to block!

1. Due with your Study Guide for Chapters 16 & 17: PERSIA comparison on France and England, 1558-1715.
2. Work on outline #5: Rise of Holland and fall of Spain.
3. Groupwork in class: Absolutism presentations...we'll begin giving the presentations during the latter part of the block period.
4. Test for these chapters should take place by Friday!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

US History:
1. Finish reading "New Immigration." Remember to highlight/underline important concepts and circle words you would like explained to the class. Answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper.
2. The paragraph on "Models of Immigrant Acculturation" is due at the block period.

World Civ:
1. Your map of European colonization of Africa is due on Monday after the break.

1. Due on Monday: Two copies of your outline (either #1 or #2). PERSIA comparison of France and England in the period from 1558 through 1715.
2. You should be working on the Study Guide questions I gave you in class. The test for Chapters 16 asd 17 will take place by the end of next week, so don't fall behind on these.
3. We'll begin working on group presentations on Eastern Absolutism on Monday.

Monday, November 21, 2005

US History:
1. Due Tuesday: the reading entitled "New Immigration." Underline the main idea in each paragraph. Circle any words you don't know or think should be explained to the class. Answer the questions at the bottom of the page on a separate sheet of paper.

World Civ:
1. Due Tuesday: reading entitled "Imperialism in the Congo." Answer questions 1-9. Write paragraph in the form of a letter for either number 10 or 11 (don't do both 10 and 11; pick one). You are pretending to be either a Belgian business man, giving his point of view to the king of Belgium (the European power that had invaded the Congo), or a missionary giving his/her point of view on this subject. You will be either supporting or opposing the actions of Belgium in the Congo.
2. We'll continue the art slides on Tuesday.
3. Please bring your books to class on Tuesday.

1. Bring your books to class so you can work on your essay outlines and your PERSIA comparison of England and France.
2. I'll let you know what parts of the Study Guide to do for Chapters 16 and 17 on Tuesday.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

US History:
1. On Monday, we'll finish the cartoon project in class.
2. Due the first block period after Thanksgiving: Writing assignment on "Models of Immigrant Acculturation." If you have questions about this assignment, see me before the break.

World Civ:
1. Open-Note Homework Quiz: Bismarck and the Unification of Germany...Monday, Nov. 21. Review your homework answers and the lecture notes that were given out in class!
2. You should have your books with you on Tuesday, Nov. 22.

1. Bring your books to class, so you can work on your essay outlines (#1 and #2). You will also need your books for the PERSIA comparison of England and France, and for groupwork on Eastern Absolutism, so bring them to class for a while.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

US History:
1. No homework due for Friday.

World Civ:
1. Bring your notebook Friday to hand in a packet of work from the Industrial Revolution unit.
2. Due Friday: Nationalism and the Unification of Germany.

1. You should be reading McKay, Chapters 16 & 17.
2. Read pp. 20-28 in Perry and be able to tell how James I and Bossuet are similar to Hobbes. How are they different?
3. Bring McKay and Perry to class for the next few days to work on essay outlines and to compare England and France.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Second quarter progress report period ends Tuesday, November 22nd.
Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday, 11-23 through Friday, 11-25.

US History:
1. On Thursday, we'll review "Facing a New Order." There will be an open-note quiz on this assignment, so take good notes; be sure to look at the map.

World Civ:
1. Unit test and notebook packet on Industrial Revolution: Thursday, 11-17.
2. Text: "Nationalism and the Unification of Germany," due Friday, 11-18. We should have some time in class on Thursday to work on this, so be sure you have your book with you!

1. Read Chapters 16 and 17 in McKay.
2. I'll hand out some new readings on absolutism.
3. You'll be comparing England and France using the PERSIA technique.
4. You will be preparing group presentations on Eastern Absolutism.
5. I will be handing out an assignment that will give you a chance to outline some thematic essay topics without actually writing up a full essay. This way, we can cover more substantive topics while working on your organizational skills. One of these outlines will become an essay.
6. I like the whole idea of Enlightened Monarchy...teachers are Enlightened Monarchs of the classroom. Benign, nurturing dictators.

Monday, November 14, 2005

US History:
1. Due Thursday: text assignment entitled "Facing a New Order."

World Civ:
1. Due Thursday: Review questions for the test on the Industrial Revolution.
2. Test on the Industrial Revolution is Thursday, November 17! Be sure to bring your notebook to class, to hand in a packet of homework.
3. Please bring your book to class on Thursday.

1. Be prepared to take the test on Chapter 15 at block period. We may not get to it, but then again, we may. It's not a democracy, after all. It's a benevolent dictatorship.
2. Study Guides will be due when we take the test.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

US History:
1. Due Monday: your paragraph evaluating the validity of the statement "What's Good for Business is Good for America." Remember to write a topic sentence that allows you address both sides of the issue!

World Civ:
1. No weekend homework! If you didn't do the reading notes on "Unionization and Legislative Reform," you should do this assignment, since it will be covered on the unit test. We may also have a short reading quiz early next week on this important material.
2. We'll finish the chart on good/bad aspects of industrialization on Monday, then discuss political ideas that arose in response to the changes of the Industrial Revolution.
3. The test on the Industrial Revolution unit will take place before the end of next week!

1. Be sure you have read Malabranche and Montaigne before coming to class on Monday. Please be considerate of your classmates -- don't come to class on a group discussion day without having read the required material.
2. You should be working on your Study Guide. After we discuss Malabranche and Montaigne, we'll be ready for a test.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

US History:
Due Thursday: Populism and Protest (textbook)

World Civ:
1. On Thursday, we'll review the homework on "Unionization and Legislative Reform."
2. There may be a short quiz -- the questions will be taken from the quiz questions you wrote yourselves (on the reading "The Industrial Revolution Begins").
3. We'll begin the chart on advantages and disadvantages of industrialization.

1. Notorious French Kings quiz is Thursday!
2. Read the selections on the rise of the global economy and the Dutch East India Company.
3. Read the material on the Atlantic slave trade. Characterize each writer's point of view as you would do for a DBQ. What audience was the author trying to reach? What was his point? What personal bias or interest (political, social or economic) might the author have had in the subject matter?
4. Read the selections on the witch craze. Try to come up with several possible explanations for this extraordinary phenomenon.
5. Read the selections by Malebranche and Montaigne. Read carefully, highlighting main points and trying to understand how these selections reflect a difference in the intellectual climate of Europe. You will have a brief opportunity for group discussion about these authors next week.
6. We'll wrap up this unit and be ready for the text next week. Don't forget to work on your Study Guide.

Monday, November 07, 2005

US History:
1. At block, we'll finish the slide lecture on the beginnings of American industrialization.
2. Due Monday, November 14: 250-300 word paragraph. Evaluate the validity of the following statement: "What's good for business is good for America." Remember that you must acknowledge that there have been both good and bad aspects of industrialization, so your topic sentence must be an evaluative statement (try starting with the word "although").
3. We'll also review the text assignment entitled "Rise of Industrialism" and then take an open-note quiz.
4. We'll begin a video on JD Rockefeller, Ida Tarbell and the Standard Oil Trust.
5. Due Thursday, November 10: Text assignment entitled "Populism and Protest."

World Civ:
1. Due at block: Industrialization Statements worksheet (most of you finished in class on Monday).
2. During the block period, we'll go to the computer lab to play industrialization games on the BBC website.

1. Read about Dutch commercial colonialism.
2. We'll try to finish the movie.
3. I'll hand out a POV assignment on the Atlantic slave trade.
4. Thursday, November 10: Notorious French Kings Quiz.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Friday, November 11, is a holiday -- Veterans' Day! No school.

US History:
1. We've started the new unit on Industrialization, Immigration and the Progressives.
2. Due Monday: Textbook assignment entitled "Rise of Industrialism."
3. I collected the notebook packet for the Civil War unit; scores for the notebook packet and the test will be posted next week.

World Civ:
1. Due Monday: Reading notes on pages 270-272.

1. Work on Study Guide for the chapter on Religious Wars and Expansion.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

US History:
1. Notebook packet will be turned in on Friday, November 4th.
2. Due Monday, November 7th: Textbook assignment entitled "Rise of Industrialism."

World Civ:
1. Due Friday: Read and highlight the sheet entitled "Great Britain Leads the Way." Choose what you think are the 5 most important facts explaining why Britain was first to industrialize. Write these down (bullet points) on a separate sheet of paper. Under your bullet points, write a paragraph summarizing why Great Britain was the first country to industrialize.
2. Due Monday, November 7th: Reading notes on pages 270-72 (Unionization and Legislative Reform).

1. Are you working on your Study Guide?
2. Friday: Lecture notes on the 3o Years' War.
3. Next week: Commercial colonialism, slavery, witches, and more.

US History:
1. Test on Civil War is Thursday, November 3d. As always, bring your notebook so you can hand in a packet of work from the unit.
2. You will need a new divider for your notebook: Industrialization, Immigration and the Progressive Era.
3. Textbook homework: The Rise of Industrialism. This will be due on Monday, November 7th. There will be an open-note quiz on this material, so write good, thorough answers. Remember that during open-note quizzes, you may use your stamped answers/notes, but not the questions. This means your answers/notes must stand on their own -- they must be good, explanatory, content-filled sentences.

World Civ:
1. Due on Thursday, November 3d: Industrialization Changes Ways of Life (from the text).
2. Due Monday: Reading Notes on the text section entitled "Unionization and Legislative Reform." (This assignment will be given in class on 11/3).
3. Our assembly line went well! Next block, we'll go to the computer lab to play industrialization games.

1. You'll need a timeline of shifting English foreign policy between 1527 and 1558. What were the shifts and what accounted for them?
2. You should be working in your Study Guide; you should have finished the chapter in McKay.
3. Killer notes on the 30 Years' War are coming.