Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Friday, March 31, 2017

US History:
1. Open-note quiz on "Cold War Begins" and "Cold War Deepens" will take place at block.

EL World History:
1. If you didn't finish the questions about 19th century Russian society in class on Friday, you should finish them as homework.

1. The POV comparison (German Delegation, Wilson and Clemenceau) is due at block, and the first installment of the Chapter 26 SG is due on Thursday.

Thursday, March 30, 2017


Here's the Russia lecture:

WWI scantron Friday!

US History:
1. Due Friday: Cornell notes on "Cold War Deepens."  The open-note quiz on this set of notes, together with "Cold War Begins" will take place at block next week.

EL World History:
1. You should have finished your map in class on Thursday.
2. Quiz on Friday: Growth of Russia.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

US History:
1. Due Friday: Cornell Notes on "Cold War Deepens."

1. You should be ready for a scantron test on WWI on Friday.
2. If you haven't already handed in your Ch 25 SG, plan to get that to my by Friday.

EL World History:
1. Quiz Friday: Growth of Russia.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

US History:
1. Due at block: "Cold War Begins."
2. Due Friday: "Cold War Deepens."
3. If you still haven't written the bomb paragraph or handed in a binder packet for WWII  --  See me now.

EL World History:
No homework.

1. Chapter 25 SG is due.
2. I will be collecting some of the review sheets for WWI.

Monday, March 27, 2017


Here is the WWI lecture:

Chpater 25 SG is due at block.

US History:
1. "Cold War Begins" is due at block.
2. If you missed the paragraph on the atomic bomb, see me immediately to arrange a makeup.

EL World History:
1. If you didn't finish the questions on "Growth of Russia" in class on Monday, have it ready for a stamp at block.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

3rd Quarter ends tomorrow!  See me if you have any questions about your grade. 

US History:
1. If you were not in class on Thursday, you need to see me right away to arrange a time to make up the paragraph.
2. Be ready to hand in a packet of work from your binder on Friday.
3. Both the paragraph and the binder packet will almost certainly be included in the 4th quarter grade.

EL World History:
1. We'll finish discussing the Holocaust on Friday and take a short quiz.

1. First section of the Chapter 25 SG is due on Friday. You should also be working your way through the review sheets.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Third quarter ends Friday!  See me if you have questions about your grade.

US History:
1. By the end of block period, your chart should be filled with solid information about the arguments for and against Truman's decision to use the atomic bomb in 1945.  You may pre-write your topic sentence and bring it to the writing session.

EL World History:
No homework.

1. First section of the Chapter 25 SG is due Friday. Work on the review sheets to remind yourself of the basic facts and map of WWI. We will move through this unit quickly.
2. If you missed the 19th Century scantron test, see me immediately to arrange a makeup.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Third quarter ends on Friday, March 24th!  Please check your grade and see me if you have any questions. 

US History:
1. At this point, you should have lots of material on your chart!  Remember, you will be writing your paragraph on Thursday, and you may have the chart with you when you write. You may also prewrite your topic sentence.

EL World History:
1. Unit test and binder check on Tuesday.

1. 19th century scantron test(s) on Tuesday.

Friday, March 17, 2017


Here are the links for "New Imperialism" and "Belgian Imperialism in Congo."

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

US History:
No homework.

EL World History:
1. Your WWII Book will be due on Thursday. You will have some time in class to work on it.
2. Be ready for a WWII test on Friday!

1. Chapter 24 SG will be due on Friday.
2. Monster 19th century test coming soon!

Tuesday, March 07, 2017


Here is the Natural Law lecture:

1. The next segment of your SG is due Thursday, and I've already given you the pages/questions for the last section.  Don't forget the IDs, chart and fill-ins.
2. The sub will give you the 19th Century People quiz on Thursday, and you will also work on a sample SAQ.

1. If you want color pictures for your WWII Book, print them out at home or in the library.
2. You will be writing your paragraph on the atomic bomb in class on Friday. Be sure to bring your T-chart and rough draft.

US History:
1. If you still need to make up the open-note quiz (Mobilizing the Home Front & War and Civil Rights), see me immediately to arrange a time. Early morning is best.
2. You will continue working on the chart showing the impact of WWII on various social groups on Thursday.

Monday, March 06, 2017

US History:
1. You should have completed both review maps: Europe in 1939 and Island Hopping in the Pacific.
2. If you missed last week's open-note quiz (Mobilizing the Home Front & War and Civil Rights), see me immediately to arrange a makeup.

EL World History:
No homework.

1. Your next installment of the SG is due on Thursday.
2. If you intend to re-take the Hub Dates quiz, come in before the end of the week. I will be at meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon, so you should come before school or at lunch on those days.
3. At this point, you should be able to write a thesis statement and 3 topic sentences for the DBQ practice question. You should also be able to list which docs will go in the paragraphs, and which docs will get a more thorough POV discussion.

Friday, March 03, 2017


The Irrational:

1. The next installment of the Chapter 23 SG is due Monday.
2. If you feel a need to re-take the Hub Dates quiz, plan to do that on or before Wednesday of next week.
3. Binders: come in before school, at lunch or after school to show me your binder.

Thursday, March 02, 2017


Lectures on German Unification and Victorian Britain:

1. Hub Dates and Binder Check Friday!!

US History:
1. If you missed the open-note quiz (Mobilizing the Home Front & War and Civil Rights) on Thursday, see me right away to arrange a makeup.

Wednesday, March 01, 2017

US History:
1. Thursday:  Big open-note quiz on "Mobilizing the Home Front" and "War and Civil Rights."
2. When you finish the quiz, you will continue working on the Timeline of WWII Events.

EL World History:
No homework.

1. More lecture on Thursday.
2. Due Thursday: Thesis statement and three topic sentences for an essay based on the categories worksheet.
3. Friday: Hub Dates quiz and binder check. Just get all your stuff into one or more binders, generally in chronological order. You can put Study Guides in a separate binder to make them easier to review as the AP Exam approaches.
4. Speaking of the AP Exam...registration for the exam is underway. Don't forget to register!