Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

US History:
1. The O-N quiz on "New Battleground" will be on Thursday.

World History:
1. Due Thursday: reading notes on "Confrontation of the Superpowers and Spread of the Cold War."

1. Read Chapter 30 and the Perry readings. You should know the Cold War map, including the NATO and Warsaw Pact nations and the "non-aligned" nations.

Monday, March 30, 2009

US History:
1. Due at block: "Cold War, a New Battleground."

World History:
1. Due Thursday: reading notes on "Confrontation of the Superpowers and Spread of the Cold War."

1. Start reading Chapter 30 in McKay, and the associated Perry readings. What was the Cold War really about? Was it an ideological conflict, and economic competition or a clash of modern "empires?"

Friday, March 27, 2009

US History:
1. Due at block: "Cold War, a New Battleground."
2. Cold War Concepts quiz on Monday -- matching.

World History:
1. No homework. If you didn't finish "Rise of Stalin" I will stamp it on Monday.

1. Chapters 28/29 test on Monday; Study Guides due.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

US History:
1. You should have your map finished for a stamp on Friday.
2. Due next week at block: "Cold War, a New Battleground."

World History:
1. Due Friday: "Rise of Stalin" pp. 474-76.

1. Unit test is Monday.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

US History:
1. Quiz on "Cold War Begins" and "Cold War Deepens" on Thursday.
2. If you didn't finish the Cold War in Europe Map, you'll have a few minutes to finish it in class on Thursday.
3. Due at block next week: "Cold War, a New Battleground."

World History:
1. Quiz on pages 441 to 446 on Thursday.

1. We'll finish our comparison of WWI and WWII on Thursday, and discuss Modernism.
2. The test will be on Monday, against my better curve. You can spend Friday working on Study Guides, unless I find something better for you.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

US History:
1. If you're in 2nd period, you should label the nations, capitals and bodies of water on the Cold War map of Europe, and draw in a heavy black line along the border of the Soviet-controlled area.
2. Due at block next week: "Cold War, a New Battleground."

World History:
1. We'll finish our current material on the outbreak of the Russian Revolution and then take the quiz. You should have finished your Cornell notes on pages 441-446.
2. Due Monday: text notes for "Rise of Stalin."

1. Map quiz at block.
2. We'll talk about Modernism and Postmodernism.
3. Should we take a test on this unit on Friday?? (Chapters 28 and 29).

Monday, March 23, 2009

US History:
1. You should have finished both outlines (Cold War Begins and Cold War Deepens) by block period on Tuesday.

World History:
1. Your second set of Cornell Notes (444-446) is due at block.

1. Map quiz on Wednesday.
2. You should be working on Chapter 29.

Friday, March 20, 2009

US History:
1. You will be writing your essay in class on Monday. Be sure to have your chart showing evidence on whether the US should have dropped atomic bombs on Japan -- you can have this and the essay rubric with you as you write.

World History:
1. Counselors will visit on Monday for Program Planning.
2. You'll have an open note quiz on the first two sets of Cornell notes at block.

1. We'll continue with DBQ practice.
2. Instead of taking a map quiz on Monday, I'll show a map and give you details on what I will expect you to know. We can take the quiz at block.
3. Please have a copy of your modern art notes for me on Monday.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

US History:
1. "Cold War Begins" due Friday.

World History:
1. Text notes on pages 444-446 due Friday.

1. Please hand in a copy of your modern art notes by Monday, and make sure you keep copies for yourselves.
2. You should be just about finished with Chapter 28 (on the interwar years).

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

US History:
1. Due Friday: textbook notes for "Cold War Begins."

World History:
1. Due Friday: textbook notes for pages 444 -- 446 (through "Triumph of the Communists").

1. You should be finishing up Chapter 28 in McKay and the associated readings in Perry.
2. If Modernism expresses the central idea of Western rationalism, and if Modernism is discredited, does this mean that Western civilization has come to the end of the line???

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

US History:
1. Due Friday: Textbook notes for "Cold War Begins."
2. Be sure you have lots of information on your chart on the atomic bomb question. If you aren't sure about your thesis statement, see me at lunch or after school for help!

World History:
1. No homework. Go to your 1st period class on Wednesday. If you don't have a 1st period class, you should arrive at your testing location by 8:45.

1. Keep reading McKay and Perry. Work on your Chapter 28 Study Guide; I'll assign selections from the Chapter 29 SG soon.
2. How do Impressionism and Expressionism differ in what the artist is trying to accomplish? How does this change reflect the evolving social outlook in the period from the late 19th century to the early 20th century?

Monday, March 16, 2009

US History:
1. Due at block: Review crossword puzzle for WWII.
2. You should have a thesis statement and topic sentences for an evaluative essay on whether the US was justified in dropping atomic bombs on Japan. Take a look at the evidence on your chart and decide which position you think has more support.
3. We will review for the WWII test during the first half of block and take the test during the second half.

World History:
1. No homework.
2. Remember to get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast. Go to the bathroom before going to your test center. No electronics; no backpacks or big purses.
3. Arrive at your test center at 7:45 on Tuesday. On Wednesday, go to your 1st period class and you will be released at the appropriate time to go to the test.

1. Keep reading in McKay and Perry.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

US History:
1. Keep filling in your chart with arguments that favor and oppose the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan at the end of WWII. Remember to suggest alternatives (third column).

World History:
1. You should have completed the map of the Russian Empire (and the questions on the back of the map) as well as the textbook notes for pages 441 to 444.

1. Keep reading in McKay and Perry. Focus on the social, political and economic changes of the interwar period. What are some indications of the confusion of European people about their civilization during this period? What scientific developments added to this uncertainty?

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

US History:
No homework.

World History:
1. Due Thursday: Text notes for pages 441 - 444 (Background to Revolution and Rise of Lenin)

1. Test at block!

Monday, March 09, 2009

US History:
No homework.

World History:
1. Due at block: "Growth of Russia."
2. Due Thursday: Text notes for pages 441 - 444 (Background to the Revolution, etc)

1. Chapter 27 test at block. Study Guides are due.

Friday, March 06, 2009

US History:
1. No homework. Next week, we'll review the Holocaust and the atomic bomb, and then we'll be finished with this unit.

World History:
1. Your test on the Holocaust/genocide unit is Monday.

1. Test on Chapter 27 will take place at block.
2. Why was Clemenceau so determined to achieve a peace treaty that kept Germany weak and poor? Were his actions a cause of WWII...or did history simply prove him right?

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

US History:
No homework.

World History:
1. Complete the sheet "Assessing and Defining Responsibility." Write a paragraph explaining how you decided whether to give someone a 4, 3, 2 or 1. Describe the punishments, if any, you would give to each group.

1. Due Friday: POV comparison for Wilson, Clemenceau and the German delegation to the Paris negotiations that led to the Treaty of Versailles.
2. We should be ready for a test by early next week.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

US History:
You do not have homework.

World History:
1. Fill out the sheet entitled "Assessing and Defining Responsibility." Write a paragraph explaining how you decided what score to give each person on the list, and what punishment you would give to 4s, 3s, 2s and 1s.

1. You should be reading Chapter 27 together with the associated Perry readings.
2. We'll go over the 19th century test and Study Guide together in class. Study Guides were included in the progress report grades.