Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Week of Feb. 24 to Feb. 27

This Week's Schedule:  Tuesday's TT is open - Make an appointment. Wednesday is closed. Go to your closed TT class. 

Teacher-Made TT Appointments: If I make a TT appointment for you, please come to room 122 for TT.  If you feel you should go to another class, see me to clear this with me.   

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

We'll get started on our coverage of World War II.  

You'll get new vocabulary. 

This week, we'll focus on the rise of dictators, especially Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and Hirohito. 

You'll read a section of the textbook and take notes.  We'll discuss the unstable situation during the "Interwar" years.  Our goal is to understand how dictators like Hitler came to power in their countries. 

US History

We'll get started on our study of American society during World War II.  

You'll complete maps of Europe and East Asia/the Western Pacific. 

We'll cover US propaganda during WWII, as a way of showing the many impacts of the war on the American public.  

You'll learn about the mobilization of the American public for "total war." 

Edpuzzle for this week: Roots of WWII. 

Sunday, February 09, 2025

Week of Feb. 10 to Feb. 14

This Week's Schedule:  Both TTs are open this week. Make appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Friday, January 7, was the end of the 3rd Quarter Progress Report Period. Progress Report grades will be submitted this week.  See me asap if you have questions about your grade. 

Presidents' Week: the week of Feb. 17 to Feb. 21 is Presidents' Week -- NO SCHOOL. 

Juniors: If you are interested in Boys & Girls State, talk to me about nominating you. 

Teacher-Made TT Appointments: If I make a TT appointment for you, please come to room 122 for TT.  If you feel you should go to another class, see me to clear this with me.   

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

We'll finish our unit on World War I, and take the unit test. 

You'll be reviewing the maps of 1914 and 1919.  You'll also practice vocabulary.

Unit Test and binder check: Thursday. 

Edpuzzle: If you have not watched the videos for this unit (Causes of WWI and Treaty of Versailles), you must do this before Thursday to get credit.

US History

We'll finish our unit on the Great Depression and the New Deal, and take the unit test. 

On Monday, we'll review "Impact of the New Deal." 

You will have time to finish your crossword. 

I may show a video on the Dust Bowl, if we have time. 

Unit Test and Binder Packet: due at block period.

On Thursday, we'll start a new unit on World War II. 

Edpuzzle for this week:  If you have not watched the videos for the Great Depression unit, you must do this before the unit test, in order to get credit for the videos. 

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Week of Feb. 3 to Feb. 7

 This Week's Schedule:  Tuesday's TT is open, but Wednesday is closed.  Make an appointment for Tuesday. 

Incompletes: If you received an "I" for a class last semester, Monday, Feb. 3 is the last day to clear it. After Monday, the "I" turns into and "F." 

Friday, January 7, is the end of the 3rd Quarter Progress Report Period. Progress Report grades are due next week.  See me asap if you have questions about your grade. 

Juniors: If you are interested in Boys & Girls State, talk to me about nominating you. This is a long-standing organization that focuses on the US political process.  If selected, you would spend a week over the summer participating in simulations of US democracy.  You have to get to Sacramento for the program, but there is no other fee.  Looks great on your college application. 

Teacher-Made TT Appointments: If I make a TT appointment for you, please come to room 122 for TT.  If you feel you should go to another class, see me to clear this with me.   

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

We'll continue to review the vocabulary for WWI.  (WWI Vocabulary #1-#3.)  You should be ready for a vocabulary quiz. 

We'll review the reasons for US entry into World War. 

You'll learn about the end of the war, and the Treaty of Versailles. 

Edpuzzle: The Treaty of Versailles. 

US History

If you missed the quiz on the Crash and the Depression (block period last week), see me immediately to arrange a makeup. 

We'll continue our coverage of the New Deal.  You'll learn about the new programs that made up the new deal and how they impacted American society. 

You'll research one important New Deal program and create an informational brochure describing the program, its goals and its impact. 

Edpuzzle for this week:  The New Deal.