Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Jan. 27 to Jan. 31

 This Week's Schedule:  Both TTs are open this week. Make appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Juniors: If you are interested in Boys & Girls State, talk to me about nominating you. This is a long-standing organization that focuses on the US political process.  If selected, you would spend a week over the summer participating in simulations of US democracy.  You have to get to Sacramento for the program, but there is no other fee.  

Teacher-Made TT Appointments: If I make a TT appointment for you, please come to room 122 for TT.  If you feel you should go to another class, see me to clear this with me.   

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

Vocabulary #2.

We'll review the WWI alliances and fronts. 

You'll take textbook notes on the years of the war.  

We'll cover the entry of the US into WWI. 

More vocabulary!

Edpuzzle: Causes of World War I

US History

We'll continue our coverage of the Great Depression and the New Deal.

We'll review the textbook sections you completed last week. 

If we have time, you'll watch a video on the "Bonus March." 

We'll cover the responses of conservatives, liberals and radicals to the Great Depression.  

You will have a quiz on the Crash and the Depression at block period.

Edpuzzle for this week:  The New Deal.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Week of Jan. 21 to Jan 24

 This Week's Schedule:  Both TTs are open this week. Make appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday.

House of Reps meeting on Wednesday. 

There's an emergency drill on Thursday -- we will NOT evacuate.  The drill will be during your 3rd period class.  The schedule for the day is modified, but you will start and end the school day at the usual times.  

Teacher-Made TT Appointments: If I make a TT appointment for you, please come to room 122 for TT.  If you feel you should go to another class, see me to clear this with me.   

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

We'll continue our study of World War I. 

You'll complete a map of the alliances during World War I, and use the map to trace the start of the war. 

We'll compare the war on the Eastern Front and the Western Front.  

You'll take textbook notes on the years of the war.  

More vocabulary!

Edpuzzle: Causes of World War I

US History

We'll continue our coverage of the Great Depression and the New Deal.

Textbook Notes: Crash and Its Aftermath Part 2.

You'll try your hand at making a fortune in the stock market

 We'll review both parts of the textbook notes. 

You'll create a series of graphs showing the economic situation during the Great Depression.

We'll cover Hoover's response to the Depression.  

If we have time, you'll watch a video on the "Bonus March." 

Due Monday: Text notes on "The Dream on Hold." 

Edpuzzle for this week:  Hoover and the Great Depression. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Week of Jan. 13 to Jan. 17

 This Week's Schedule:  Tuesday's TT is open, so make an appointment. Wednesday's TT is closed for a reading assessment.  Go to your closed TT on Wednesday. 

Wednesday is Club Day -- lunchtime in the quad. 

Monday, Jan. 20 is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.  Don't come to school. No one will be here. 

First Semester ended on December 20.  Your semester grade is the average of quarter 1 and quarter 2.  See me if you have questions about your grade.

A new gradebook has been set up for 3rd quarter.  Remember: the 2nd semester grade will be the average of the 3rd and 4th quarter percentages. 

Teacher-Made TT Appointments: If I make a TT appointment for you, please come to room 122 for TT.  If you feel you should go to another class, see me to clear this with me.   

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

We'll wrap up the New Ideas of the Industrial Revolution. 

We will begin our coverage of World War I. 

You'll have some new vocabulary.  

We will discuss the conditions in Europe right before the war, and focus on the causes of the war.  You'll read about "War Fever" -- the eagerness for war that swept Europe in 1914. 

NOTE: If you want learn more about the ROP program, fill out the orange for you received last week to sign up for a tour. 

Edpuzzle: Causes of World War I

US History

We'll cover the presidents of the Twenties -- all conservatives! 

You'll read/annotate a handout on Prohibition.  

We'll review "Postwar Turmoil."  

You'll take a quiz on the Twenties.  

We'll move on to a new unit on the Great Depression and the New Deal. 

Edpuzzle for this week: The Great Migration.   NOTE: this video is due on Wednesday, Jan. 15 -- so that you will be ready for the unit quiz. 

Sunday, January 05, 2025

Week of Jan. 7 to Jan. 10

 This Week's Schedule:  Tuesday is a "modified" day. You have all classes, but school is out at 2:30 pm.  Wednesday - Friday are regular days; all classes and school is out at 3:35.  (No blocks.)

There are no Trojan Times this week.  The next open TT is Tuesday, January 14.  Wednesday, 1/15 is closed (reading assessment). 

First Semester ended on December 20.  Your semester grade is the average of quarter 1 and quarter 2.  See me if you have questions about your grade. 

Teacher-Made TT Appointments: If I make a TT appointment for you, please come to room 122 for TT.  If you feel you should go to another class, see me to clear this with me.   

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

We will begin our coverage of World War I. 

You'll have new vocabulary.  

We will discuss the conditions in Europe right before the war, and focus on the causes of the war.  You'll read about "War Fever" -- the eagerness for war that swept Europe in 1914. 

On Thursday, you will attend a presentation about the ROP program.  We will go to the CFA for the presentation. 

Edpuzzle: Causes of World War I

US History

New seating chart!

We'll discuss the SAQ, and you can clear some old materials from your binder. 

We'll begin a short unit on the Twenties.  You'll take some introductory notes and work on a textbook section: Postwar Turmoil.  

You'll analyze a couple of political cartoons showing Americans' different opinions about the end of WWI and the Treaty of Versailles. 

Edpuzzle for this week: Society in the Twenties.