Jan. 27 to Jan. 31
This Week's Schedule: Both TTs are open this week. Make appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday.
Juniors: If you are interested in Boys & Girls State, talk to me about nominating you. This is a long-standing organization that focuses on the US political process. If selected, you would spend a week over the summer participating in simulations of US democracy. You have to get to Sacramento for the program, but there is no other fee.
Teacher-Made TT Appointments: If I make a TT appointment for you, please come to room 122 for TT. If you feel you should go to another class, see me to clear this with me.
Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work. If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.
EL World History
Vocabulary #2.
We'll review the WWI alliances and fronts.
You'll take textbook notes on the years of the war.
We'll cover the entry of the US into WWI.
More vocabulary!
Edpuzzle: Causes of World War I
US History
We'll continue our coverage of the Great Depression and the New Deal.
We'll review the textbook sections you completed last week.
If we have time, you'll watch a video on the "Bonus March."
We'll cover the responses of conservatives, liberals and radicals to the Great Depression.
You will have a quiz on the Crash and the Depression at block period.
Edpuzzle for this week: The New Deal.