Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Summer 2022!

 Greetings AP Euro Students! 

Get started on your summer assignment, so that you can pace yourself -- don't wait until the last minute.  All parts of the assignment are due by July 22nd. 

The assignment will make more sense if you do the parts in order. 

Email me if you have any questions.

If you have not yet set up an account on the College Board website, do that now.  

Once you have an account, join our class. The join code is X6A7WW. 

Here is a link to a video review of the Middle Ages

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Finals Week! 5-23 to 5-27

 Important Information for All Students: 

Schedule for this week

Monday is a regular day. All classes; dismissal at 3:35. 

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: Final Exams.  Check the schedules on the CVHS website. There are copies of the schedule posted around the room.  

Tuesday Finals: 1st, 2nd, and zero periods.

Wednesday: 3rd and 4th periods.

Thursday: 5th and 6th period. 

Friday: Short day of 30 minute periods (all classes). Seniors will attend graduation practice. 

Please notify me IMMEDIATELY if you will not be in class for your final exam.  I will arrange a remote final for you.  Your absence must be excused by the office. 

Late Work: If you are hoping to turn in late work, discuss this with me on Monday, May 23rd. I am not accepting work or changing grades from first semester.  


EL World History:

Last Week:

You took notes on the USSR after the death of Stalin. 

Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday!  Russia #1 - #4. 

We began reviewing for the final exam. 

This Week:

Remember to bring your binder to the final exam. I will score your Russia unit at that time. 

You may bring a 3x5 card to the final exam. 

Return your textbook to the bookroom this week. 

US History:

Last Week:
On Monday, you wrote a political cartoon analysis. You handed this in at the end of the period. 

On Wednesday, you wrote an SAQ on our American idea of natural rights, and the contrast between MLK and MX.  If you did not write the SAQ, please see me immediately for instructions on how to make it up. 

On Thursday and Friday, you annotated a handout on recent decades, and I lectured on the "Reagan Revolution."  

Edpuzzles: History vs. Nixon and New Conservativism. 

This Week: 
I will return your political cartoon writeup. 

Are you more ready for college/career than you were at the start of the academic year? What progress have you made? What areas still need improvement? 

Reminder: you may bring a 3x5 card to the final exam.  

Bring your binder to the final exam!  I will collect a binder packet on Civil Rights at the final. 

Remember to return your textbook to the bookroom this week. 

AP Euro:
Please remember to return your textbook and the paperback sourcebook to the bookroom.  

If you plan to turn in late work, I must receive it NOW.  

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Week of 5-16 to 5-20

 Important Information for All Students: 

Schedule for this week

Monday: Farewell Assembly. Go to your 4th period class, drop off your backpack, then go the stadium and sit with your graduating class.  

Wednesday: Locker cleanout. 

Check the schedules posted around the room for times. 

Absences: If you were absent due to illness for an extended time period due to an exclusion or quarantine, see me about what materials you need to make up. Come to Trojan Time to find out what you can do to catch up.  

If you think you may be absent during finals week, please let me and your other teachers know as soon as possible. We will need to make arrangements for makeup finals. 

Give priority to current work! Check with me before you do assignments from pervious units.  I am not accepting work or changing grades from first semester. 

Covid Precautions:  Masks are optional outdoors, and optional but recommended in the classroom. 


EL World History:

Last Week:

We updated the picture wall.  

You annotated a handout about World War II in Russia. 

You took notes on the Cold War. 

Map: The Cold War in Europe.

You added words to your vocabulary dictionary (Russia #4). 

This Week:

You'll take notes on the USSR after the death of Stalin. 

Vocabulary Quiz on Tuesday!  Russia #1 - #4. 

We'll begin reviewing for the final exam. Reminder: you may bring a 3x5 card to the final. 

Remember to bring your binder to the final exam. I will score your Russia unit at that time. 

US History:

Last Week:
You took a vocabulary quiz (Civil Liberties/Civil Rights) on Monday.  

Your Venn diagram was due. We reviewed Malcolm X and MLK. You should be able to relate their activism to the concepts of civil liberties (natural rights) and civil rights.

You researched a significant event from the Civil Rights Movement, and created a poster that illustrates and explains the event.  You completed a timeline of these events. 

This Week:
The posters will remain up until everyone has had a chance to complete the timeline. You can come at lunch or break to do this. 

On Monday, you'll be writing a political cartoon analysis. You'll be handing this in at the end of the period. 

On Wednesday, you will write an SAQ on our American idea of natural rights, and the contrast between MLK and MX.  You may have your Venn diagram on your desk as you write. 

On Thursday/Friday, I'll lecture on the "Reagan Revolution."  We may also start a movie. 

Reminder: you may bring a 3x5 card to the final exam.  

Bring your binder to the final exam!  I will collect a binder packet on Civil Rights at the final. 

AP Euro:
Last Week:
Film: The Battle of Algiers.  

This Week: 
I will be returning textbooks to the book room this week.  Bring your books to class if you want them included. 

Film: Europa, Europa.  

Next up: Downfall?  Vatel?  Goodbye Lenin?

Sunday, May 08, 2022

Week of 5-9 to 5-13

 Important Information for All Students: 

Schedule for this week

Both Trojan Times are "open." Make appointments!

Absences: If you were absent due to illness for an extended time period due to an exclusion or quarantine, see me about what materials you need to make up. Come to Trojan Time to find out what you can do to catch up.  

Give priority to current work! Check with me before you do assignments from pervious units.  I am not accepting work or changing grades from first semester. 

Covid Precautions:  Masks are optional outdoors, and optional but recommended in the classroom. 


EL World History:

Last Week:

We covered Russian Civil War, and the victory of the communists. 

We reviewed the revolution and the civil war, and you took a quiz. 

You took notes on Stalin and the Five Year Plans.

Edpuzzle Video: Joseph Stalin

This Week: 

We'll update the picture wall!  

You'll annotate a handout on World War II in Russia. 

Map: The Cold War in Europe.


US History:

Last Week:
On Monday, you handed in a binder packet of materials from our unit on the Vietnam War. 

We started our coverage of the Civil Rights Movement. 

Vocabulary Words: A list of important terms is posted in Google Classroom. You'll be taking a quiz on these terms sometime this week. 

You took notes on the concepts of natural rights, civil liberties, and civil rights. 

Edpuzzle Video: Civil Rights & Civil Liberties. 

Together we watched and take notes on a documentary about the beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement. 

You used a Venn diagram to compare two important civil rights leaders, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X. 

This Week: 
OK, so I forgot the vocabulary quiz. We'll do it Monday. 

Your Venn diagram is due. We'll review Malcolm X and MLK, and try to relate their activism to the concepts of civil liberties and civil rights.

You will research a significant event from the Civil Rights Movement, and create a poster that illustrates and explains the event.  You'll be completing a timeline of these events. 

AP Euro:
Last Week:
SG/practice test for Chapter 30 (no SG). 

AP Vids. 

Lectures: USSR after Stalin and the End of the CW. 

This Week: 
We can relax a bit, but we will also address some contemporary issues. 

Film: The Battle of Algiers.  

Sunday, May 01, 2022

Week of 5-2 to 5-6

 Important Information for All Students: 

Schedule for this week

Both Trojan Times are "open." Make appointments!

Absences: If you were absent due to illness for an extended time period due to an exclusion or quarantine, see me about what materials you need to make up. Come to Trojan Time to find out what you can do to catch up.  

Give priority to current work! Check with me before you do assignments from pervious units.  I am not accepting work or changing grades from first semester. 

Covid Precautions:  Masks are optional outdoors, and optional but recommended in the classroom. 


EL World History:

Last Week:

You took notes on the Russian Revolutions of 1917. 

You watched an Edpuzzle video and answered questions in the video.  

We played the Marxism game, and you took notes on Marx's ideas. 

We will talk about Karl Marx and his ideas. 

This Week:

We will cover the Russian Civil War, and the victory of the communists. 

We'll review the material we've covered so far.

You'll take notes on Stalin and the Five Year Plans.

Edpuzzle Video: Joseph Stalin

US History:

Last Week:
We reviewed the US election process. 

You took a reading quiz on the events of 1968. 

We covered the increasingly unhappy response to the war in the US, and the development of the "Counterculture."  

We covered the end of the war, and you watched an Edpuzzle Video on the fall of Saigon.  there was also an EC video on the Sixties. 

This Week:
On Monday, you'll hand in a binder packet of materials from our unit on the Vietnam War. 

New Unit: We'll start our coverage of the Civil Rights Movement. 

Vocabulary Words: A list of important terms is posted in Google Classroom. You'll be taking a quiz on these terms sometime this week. 

You'll take notes on the concepts of natural rights, civil liberties, and civil rights. 

Edpuzzle Video: Civil Rights & Civil Liberties. 

Together we'll watch and take notes on a documentary about the beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement. 

You will use a Venn diagram to compare two important civil rights leaders, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X. 
AP Euro:
AP Exam is this Friday, May 6th.  Remember that you can borrow review materials from me if you like.  Review content intensively!

Last Week:
I lectured on the EU.  

I posted the SG for Chapter 29.  No Review Questions, just IDs. You should be able to identify and describe major CW leaders and events. 

AP Vids were posted.  I also posted an MCQ quiz in AP Classroom. This is optional -- it is meant as practice for those of you who are taking the exam.  

We tried a couple of DBQs

This Week: 
I have posted an SG/practice test for Chapter 30 (no SG). 

AP Vids for this week are posted. 

We have to talk about Stalin what came after Stalin in the USSR. 

Also: Gorbachev and the end of the Cold War. 

I will hand out review sheets.