Schedule for this week:
Tuesday's Trojan Time is closed. Wednesday is open.
Progress report grades were submitted on Tuesday, April 19th. See me if you have questions.
Absences: If you were absent due to illness for an extended time period due to an exclusion or quarantine, see me about what materials you need to make up. Come to Trojan Time to find out what you can do to catch up.
Give priority to current work! Check with me before you do assignments from pervious units. I am not accepting work or changing grades from first semester.
Covid Precautions: Masks are optional outdoors, and optional but recommended in the classroom.
EL World History:
Last Week:
You took notes on Russian society in the 19th century. You made a set of flashcards, and practiced using your flashcards with one another.
You completed a review/quiz on what we have covered so far.
Together, we made a timeline of Russian history up to 1917.
We discussed the weakness of the Russian government before the revolution.
You started a set of textbook notes on the revolutions in Russia in 1917.
This Week:
You will have time to finish your textbook notes, and I will give you a reading quiz. If your notes are good, you should be able to answer the questions, using just your notes.
You will take notes on the Russian Revolutions of 1917. You will also watch an Edpuzzle video and answer questions in the video. This is a challenging video, and you will need to listen carefully!
We will talk about Karl Marx and his ideas.
We will cover the Russian Civil War, and the victory of the communists.
US History:
Last Week:
We continued our coverage of the war in Vietnam. You took notes on the early years of US involvement in the conflict.
Significant Event: the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. You read a short article and answered questions.
Edpuzzle Vid: Gulf of Tonkin Incident.
Notes: LBJ and "escalation." You should be able to explain why LBJ was eager to strike North Vietnam.
Edpuzzle Vid: The Tet Offensive.
You started a set of textbook notes on the events of 1968.
This Week:
You'll have a reading quiz on the textbook notes on 1968.
We will cover the increasingly unhappy response to the war in the US, and the development of the "Counterculture."
We'll try to wrap up the war this week. You will be taking a short-answer test on the Vietnam war, and handing in a binder packet. This will probably happen next week.
AP Euro:
AP Exam is May 6th. Remember that you can borrow review materials from me if you like.
Last Week:
We debriefed the SAQ and the Chapter 27 SG.
Chapter 28 SG is posted. You'll get some work time for this.
AP Vids were posted, as well as a couple of EC vids.
You filled in a map of Cold War Europe. We will take a quiz on this if we have time.
I handed out a list of important Cold Warriors.
You compared primary sources and analyzed POVs on the Marshall Plan.
I lectured on the Cold War and you annotated your handout.
This Week:
I will lecture on the EU. Booooooring, but important.
I will post the SG for Chapter 29. From this point forward, you will be assigned mostly just the IDs.
AP Vids are posted. I also created an MCQ quiz in AP Classroom. This is optional -- it is meant as practice for those of you who are taking the exam.
We'll try a couple of DBQs. I'm looking for more SAQs and LEQs as well.
We'll have to talk about Stalin what came after Stalin in the USSR.
Gotta wrap up the Cold War and move on to the post-Soviet era (did it ever really end?).
Hub Dates? We need hub dates. And art.