Schedule for this week:
Tuesday's Trojan Time is "open." On Wednesday, Trojan Time is "closed." You will be taking a reading assessment during TT on Wednesday.
Second Quarter Progress Report Period ended on Friday, November 5. Grades will be finalized and submitted to the office on Tuesday, November 9.
AP Students: Register for AP Exams! Do it now.
Financial Literacy Workshops in the College and Career Center:
Bring your computer and charger to school every day!
Absences: if you are absent, it is your responsibility to check this weblog and Google Classroom for assignments. If you need assistance accessing assignments, email me for support.
EL World History:
Last Week:
On Monday, you took the unit test on the French Revolution and I will check your binder.
You created a new divider in your binder for our next unit: The Industrial Revolution.
You read and annotate a short article introducing the changes that occurred due to industrialization.
You added new words to your vocabulary notebook.
Notes and questions: The Agricultural Revolution.
This Week:
You'll have time to finish the textbook notes you started last Friday.
We'll review our vocabulary so far, and add some new pages to the vocabulary notebook.
Notes: The Agricultural Revolution in Britain.
I'll post a video (with questions) on the Industrial Revolution.
US History:
Last Week:
We'll start the last section of the unit: The Progressive Movement
Textbook Notes (New Book!): pages 172 to 179 in the new textbook. There is a form in GC for your notes. Due Friday, November 5.
You read and analyzed a primary source, Upton Sinclair's The Jungle.
You researched one prominent individual from the late 19th/early 20th century, and created a "resume" for that person.
This Week:
On Monday, you'll meet and chat with other 19th century people, and take notes about the people you meet. You must bring a printed resume to class in order to participate in the activity.
The unit test for this unit -- Industrialization, Immigration and the Progressives -- will take place on Wednesday. You'll be handing in a binder packet.
You'll be creating a new divider for out next unit: US Foreign Policy.
Textbook Reading Guide: "American Influence Grows." Pages 209 to 213.
AP Euro:
The deadline is approaching to sign up for the AP European History Exam! You should have received an email about the two-step process for registering for the AP Exam in May.
Last Week:
We finished your presentations, and I lectured on English constitutionalism.
Map Quiz (1648) at block.
You discussed Hobbes and Locke.
You completed two SAQs, and handed in the SG for Chapter 15.
You received a copy of Voltaire's Candide. Read it.
This Week:
Chapter 15 -- The Scientific Revolution. I assigned the first sections of the SG.
I'll lecture on the Scientific Revolution, and you'll create a timeline on key events/discoveries of the Scientific Revolution.
Keep working on the SG.
Videos are posted in GC.