Important Information for All Students:
Schedule for this week:
Monday, Thursday and Friday: all periods meet.
Tuesday: Periods 1, 3, 5 and Trojan Time.
Wednesday: Periods 2, 4, 6 and Trojan Time.
Open Trojan Time starts this week!
Make appointments on the TeachMore site.
No Open TT in room 122 on Wednesday, 9-1 (I am hosting seniors for a counseling presentation).
Check your school email for information about Covid screening, testing, etc.
Covid testing at the CFA, Monday - Friday. If you get a 10 day quarantine due to symptoms, get tested, so you can return to school asap.
Bring your computer and charger to school every day.
Absences: if you are absent, it is your responsibility to check this weblog and Google Classroom for assignments. If you need assistance accessing assignments, email me for support.
Back-To-School Night: Thursday, September 2nd.
EL World History:
Last Week:
We reviewed vocabulary and added new words to the vocabulary notebook.
We continued our study of different types of government.
You will be filled in a chart on types of government, and created a poster illustrating 6 types of government.
This Week:
Vocabulary Quiz on Monday! Same words we were practicing last week.
You will continue to add words to your vocabulary notebook.
We will be comparing autocracy and democracy, and tracing the the rise of democracy in the West.
Coming Up: Philosophers of Government
US History:
BTSN Presentation:
Due last week: map of the 13 colonies, and chart showing characteristics of the three regions of colonial America. beginning of class on Monday. We reviewed these together in class.
Edpuzzle: The Boston Massacre, due Friday, Aug. 27.
You answered 4 essential questions about the situation in the colonies following the French and Indian War. These were based on the slides "Benign Neglect Ends."
Timeline: Path to Revolution: You worked on a Google Slides presentation detailing 5 important events leading to the American Revolution. This is due on Monday, August 30.
We discussed opposing perspectives on the Boston Massacre and the Boston Tea Party.
You took notes on and covered King George's reactions to these events, and the outbreak of the war.
This Week:
Your timeline of events leading to the Revolution is due on Monday, 8-30.
Primary Source: Thomas Paine's "Common Sense." You will read and annotate an excerpt from this important pamphlet, and answer questions about Paine's ideas.
We'll discuss the Declaration of Independence.
Edpuzzle Video: The Battle of Yorktown.
You will complete a set of questions on the War for Independence, drawing upon various sources for your answers.
AP Euro:
BTSN Presentation:
Set up an account on the College Board website.
Join our class NOW. The join code is 69AVMM
Last Week:
Due at block: your Narrative of the later Middle Ages.
We started our coverage of Chapter 12: Renaissance and Exploration.
The Study Guide for Chapter 12 is posted in GC. Read a section of the chapter each night and answer some of the questions. This will help you stay on top of your APEH work. The assigned questions/IDs are bold-faced in the SG.
AP Daily Videos were posted in GC. Also: Youtube videos on the Italian and Northern Renaissance.
I lectured on the essential traits of the Italian Renaissance.
You started a web research project on the Renaissance and Renaissance Art.
This Week:
Keep working on the SG for Chapter 12. Read a section every night and answer the associated questions.
Read the assigned section of Machiavelli's "The Prince" and More's "Utopia." Be prepared to participate in a group discussion.
You will continue working on the web research project.
AP Classroom Materials: Videos and Topic Questions. Go to AP Classroom to complete these videos and questions.
New Monarchs: We'll discuss this early step in the development of the modern nation-state. Who were the new monarchs (examples) and what were their goals.
Coming Up: Exploration.
Textbooks: Everyone should now have two books, a hardback text and a paperback book of readings. If you do not have textbooks, please let me know.