Good Old Summer Time!
AP European History 2021-2022
Greetings! I hope your summer is getting off to a fabulous start.
You should be working a little bit every day on the summer assignment -- it's due in late July. Don't leave it until the last minute!
Textbooks will be available for pickup at the bookroom starting June 21st. Come to the gate outside the bookroom (Mabel Street), and ring the bell for Ms. Oliver. Let her know the name of your class/teacher, and the title of the book -- A History of Western Society. You can also ask for the paperback source book -- Sources of the Western Tradition.
There is a PDF of the chapter you need for the summer assignment in Google Classroom, so if you can't make it to CVHS, just use the digital copy.
You may want to obtain your own copy of the textbook. You should be able to find a used copy online; some used book sites have copies you can rent. We are using the 11th edition of "A History of Western Society Since 1300 for the AP Course" by McKay. (The 12th edition will also work.)
Here's a link to a used book site -- shop around, but I just wanted you to know what the book looks like, so you can get the right edition.
Try to do the sections of the assignment in order. This way, the material about the early post-Roman period and the Middle Ages will provide you with the background to write sensible answers to the questions about the later Middle Ages and the dawn of the Renaissance. Consider printing the readings, so that you can highlight and annotate them -- this helps with comprehension and retention of the material.
- Do the maps and map questions first.
- Continue to the book excerpt ("Closing of the Western Mind"). This is one author's argument about what happened in the late Roman/early Medieval period.
- Then, move on to the short article on Charlemagne.
- Next up is the textbook Study Guide.
- Do the Primary Sources last.
Email me if you have any questions about the assignment!
Summer "Grab and Go" Lunches: