Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Friday, February 26, 2021

3d Quarter 2-22 to 2-26

 Important Information for All Students: 

Application for AP European History:

Information Flyer for APEH:

College/Career Center Newsletter:

Second Semester Schedule:

Grades: Third quarter ends March 12 -- that's two weeks hence.  

Google Classroom:  Do not move or copy the assignments in such a way that I cannot find/read them in GC.  Please don't "turn in" blank documents.  This will not prevent the assignment from being "missing" in Aeries. 

Late Work:  Late work may be eligible for partial credit.  Check with me in advance for approval to do late work from previous units.   Focus on recent work -- the current unit.  

Copied Work: If you turn in work that is copied from any source, I will give you a zero for that assignment. This includes work copied from another student. Do not complete ANY assignment by using the copy/paste function. 

Drop-in Office Hours this week: Monday and Friday at 2:00. A link will be posted in Google Classroom.  

Link for the student Covid screener:

Info about "grab and go" lunches:

Info about the food pantry program at Chabot College -- food and other supplies for those in need every Thursday.  Read the flyer:



EL World History: 

Our current unit is World War II.  

Last Week:  

 notes on "Causes of World War II" were due on Wednesday, Feb. 17th. 

You will be adding more words to your vocabulary notebook. We will be covering important terms about the governments of the Interwar period. 

Map Activity: The map of Europe was changed after World War I.  You will be studying some maps of this period and answering questions about them. 

I will show slides on the Interwar period, and you will take notes. 

Edpuzzle Video: Europe between the Wars.  Listen carefully!

This Week: 

We will continue our notes on the Interwar period.

You will be learning some important terms and definitions related to the new types of government that arose in the years before World War II. 

Padlet: Was the Treaty of Versailles Unfair to Germany? Review the materials on the Treaty (textbook, slides, chart), and write 4-5 sentences. 

We'll be discussing the rise of Adolph Hitler in Germany -- soon, you will be writing  a paragraph about the situation in Germany and how Hitler took control of the country.  

US History:  

Sorry for the "blackout" during 5th period and Office Hours on Thursday -- District internet was totally down!  For those who wanted to re-watch the "War Town" video, I will play the video during office hours on Friday, assuming the net is up. 

If you stayed in the 5th period meeting until 1:40,  you got 5 pts EC. 

Unit Test on the Great Depression and New Deal: Come to office hours on Friday, 2-26, or email me to make an appointment  to make up the test. 

During office hours on Thursday, I will replay the "War Town" and "Doing Without" videos, for those who missed them. 

We are starting a new unit on World War II on the Home Front. 

Last Week:  

We discussed the impact of the New Deal, and you answered questions in GC.  

Your Google Slides brochure on a New Deal program, was due on Wednesday, Feb. 17th. Grades are in Aeries, unless you handed it in late. 

You took the unit test on Thursday/Friday.  

This Week:

World War II was truly a global war and a total war.  

You couldn't win unless you were ALL IN.  That included the military and the citizens at home!

We'll start with some video footage of what it was like to go from Depression to total war virtually overnight.  

Videos (in class): "War Town" and "Doing Without." After watching the videos, write a paragraph explaining what it was like to live and work in America as the country mobilized for war. 

Text Notes: Mobilizing the Home Front.  The textbook chapter is posted in GC, and there is a form for your notes. Your notes are due on Friday.  

If you haven't yet watched the Edpuzzle video "Path to Pearl Harbor," you should do that  by Wednesday.

Battles on the Home Front:  What did the folks at home need to do to help with the war effort? A lot, as it turned out.  You'll be taking notes on the home front propaganda of World War II.  Propaganda can be analyzed the same way as political cartoons (or anything that contains symbolic imagery). 

AP Euro:

AP Exam: Save the Date: you should be planning to take the AP Exam virtually, on the latest of the examination dates (June 2nd at 9:00 am for APEH).  If you are sure this date won't work for you, contact Mr. Baker. 

Last Week:  

Hub Dates (1st semester only -- 1450 to 1815).   

The LEQ was due on Wednesday. 

Work on the list of 19th century thinkers and ideas -- your source is the Perry book.  Remember to focus on significance!  

We finished LNB.  In what ways was his reign a "liberal empire?"  In other words, was he a liberal or a conservative? To what extent? Was he able to effectively balance the demands of various interest groups and classes? How were his foreign and domestic policies tailored to accomplish this? How/why did he succeed/fail? 

Consider: How did LNB's monarchy reflect the overall context of the 19th century? Class conflict, balance of power, nationalism, etc. 

We covered the Crimean War and 19th century Russia (not including WWI and the Revolution). 

AP Daily Videos were posted in GC, as well as an Edpuzzle on Crimea.  There is also a video on the "Great Reforms" of Alexander II of Russia

I posted the SG for Chapter 23. 

This Week: 

We'll discuss the LEQ Outline in class. If your score was below 15, it was my impression that your essay would not receive a passing score on the AP LEQ. It also means that as a college-freshman essay, it would receive a low score.  If you received a score below 17, you may revise and resubmit by Friday, 2-26. Please highlight any changes you make before resubmitting. 

Hub Dates from 1st semester: We'll talk about these in class. I'm distressed that so many students are unclear on the whole concept of "significance."  

AP Videos for this week are posted in GC. 

You are working on the SG for Chapter 23.  Note that we have two chapters remaining in in the 19th century (23 and 24), and then we'll be at WWI, the "war to end all wars."  If only. 

DBQ Outline:  Materials are posted in GC. Due next week.  Please STUDY the resources and examples posted in GC.  If you are getting low grades on essays -- change your approach! Be coachable. 

We'll continue our endless series of lectures on the 19th century. Topics this week include the unification of Germany and Karl Marx.  I've posted a handout with terms related to socialism.  

EC Video: Unification of Germany

Things you are working on: List/Notes on 19th Century Thinkers and Ideas.  Use the Perry book.  This is due at the end of the 19th century material. 

Review for Chapter 20, using the test and answer sheet in GC. 

Content Review:  "Review Quizzes" and Sparknotes timelines, posted in GC. 

Thursday, February 25, 2021

3d Quarter 2-22 to 2-26

 Important Information for All Students: 

Application for AP European History:

Information Flyer for APEH:

College/Career Center Newsletter:

Second Semester Schedule:

Grades: Third quarter ends March 12 -- that's two weeks hence.  

Google Classroom:  Do not move or copy the assignments in such a way that I cannot find/read them in GC.  Please don't "turn in" blank documents.  This will not prevent the assignment from being "missing" in Aeries. 

Late Work:  Late work may be eligible for partial credit.  Check with me in advance for approval to do late work from previous units.   Focus on recent work -- the current unit.  

Copied Work: If you turn in work that is copied from any source, I will give you a zero for that assignment. This includes work copied from another student. Do not complete ANY assignment by using the copy/paste function. 

Office Hours this week: Monday and Thursday: I will hold "drop in" Office Hours on Tuesday and Thursday this week.  A link will be posted in Google Classroom.  

Link for the student Covid screener:

Info about "grab and go" lunches:

Info about the food pantry program at Chabot College -- food and other supplies for those in need every Thursday.  Read the flyer:



EL World History: 

Our current unit is World War II.  

Last Week:  

 notes on "Causes of World War II" were due on Wednesday, Feb. 17th. 

You will be adding more words to your vocabulary notebook. We will be covering important terms about the governments of the Interwar period. 

Map Activity: The map of Europe was changed after World War I.  You will be studying some maps of this period and answering questions about them. 

I will show slides on the Interwar period, and you will take notes. 

Edpuzzle Video: Europe between the Wars.  Listen carefully!

This Week: 

We will continue our notes on the Interwar period.

You will be learning some important terms and definitions related to the new types of government that arose in the years before World War II. 

Padlet: Was the Treaty of Versailles Unfair to Germany? Review the materials on the Treaty (textbook, slides, chart), and write 4-5 sentences. 

We'll be discussing the rise of Adolph Hitler in Germany -- soon, you will be writing  a paragraph about the situation in Germany and how Hitler took control of the country.  

US History:  

Sorry for the "blackout" during 5th period and Office Hours on Thursday -- District internet was totally down!  For those who wanted to re-watch the "War Town" video, I will play the video during office hours on Friday, assuming the net is up. 

Unit Test on the Great Depression and New Deal: Come to office hours on Thursday, 2-25, or email me to make an appointment  to make up the test. 

During office hours on Thursday, I will replay the "War Town" and "Doing Without" videos, for those who missed them. 

We are starting a new unit on World War II on the Home Front. 

Last Week:  

We discussed the impact of the New Deal, and you answered questions in GC.  

Your Google Slides brochure on a New Deal program, was due on Wednesday, Feb. 17th. Grades are in Aeries, unless you handed it in late. 

You took the unit test on Thursday/Friday.  

This Week:

World War II was truly a global war and a total war.  

You couldn't win unless you were ALL IN.  That included the military and the citizens at home!

We'll start with some video footage of what it was like to go from Depression to total war virtually overnight.  

Videos (in class): "War Town" and "Doing Without." After watching the videos, write a paragraph explaining what it was like to live and work in America as the country mobilized for war. 

Text Notes: Mobilizing the Home Front.  The textbook chapter is posted in GC, and there is a form for your notes. Your notes are due on Friday.  

If you haven't yet watched the Edpuzzle video "Path to Pearl Harbor," you should do that  by Wednesday.

Battles on the Home Front:  What did the folks at home need to do to help with the war effort? A lot, as it turned out.  You'll be taking notes on the home front propaganda of World War II.  Propaganda can be analyzed the same way as political cartoons (or anything that contains symbolic imagery). 

AP Euro:

AP Exam: Save the Date: you should be planning to take the AP Exam virtually, on the latest of the examination dates (June 2nd at 9:00 am for APEH).  If you are sure this date won't work for you, contact Mr. Baker. 

Last Week:  

Hub Dates (1st semester only -- 1450 to 1815).   

The LEQ was due on Wednesday. 

Work on the list of 19th century thinkers and ideas -- your source is the Perry book.  Remember to focus on significance!  

We finished LNB.  In what ways was his reign a "liberal empire?"  In other words, was he a liberal or a conservative? To what extent? Was he able to effectively balance the demands of various interest groups and classes? How were his foreign and domestic policies tailored to accomplish this? How/why did he succeed/fail? 

Consider: How did LNB's monarchy reflect the overall context of the 19th century? Class conflict, balance of power, nationalism, etc. 

We covered the Crimean War and 19th century Russia (not including WWI and the Revolution). 

AP Daily Videos were posted in GC, as well as an Edpuzzle on Crimea.  There is also a video on the "Great Reforms" of Alexander II of Russia

I posted the SG for Chapter 23. 

This Week: 

We'll discuss the LEQ Outline in class. If your score was below 15, it was my impression that your essay would not receive a passing score on the AP LEQ. It also means that as a college-freshman essay, it would receive a low score.  If you received a score below 17, you may revise and resubmit by Friday, 2-26. Please highlight any changes you make before resubmitting. 

Hub Dates from 1st semester: We'll talk about these in class. I'm distressed that so many students are unclear on the whole concept of "significance."  

AP Videos for this week are posted in GC. 

You are working on the SG for Chapter 23.  Note that we have two chapters remaining in in the 19th century (23 and 24), and then we'll be at WWI, the "war to end all wars."  If only. 

We'll continue our endless series of lectures on the 19th century. Topics this week include the unification of Germany and Karl Marx.  I've posted a handout with terms related to socialism.  

EC Video: Unification of Germany

Things you are working on: List/Notes on 19th Century Thinkers and Ideas.  Use the Perry book.  This is due at the end of the 19th century material. 

Review for Chapter 20, using the test and answer sheet in GC. 

Content Review:  "Review Quizzes" and Sparknotes timelines, posted in GC. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

3d Quarter 2-22 to 2-26

 Important Information for All Students: 

Application for AP European History:

Information Flyer for APEH:

College/Career Center Newsletter:

Second Semester Schedule:

Grades: Check Aeries frequently and email me if you have questions. 

Google Classroom:  Do not move or copy the assignments in such a way that I cannot find/read them in GC.  Please don't "turn in" blank documents.  This will not prevent the assignment from being "missing" in Aeries. 

Late Work:  Late work may be eligible for partial credit.  Check with me in advance for approval to do late work from previous units.   Focus on recent work -- the current unit.  

Copied Work: If you turn in work that is copied from any source, I will give you a zero for that assignment. This includes work copied from another student. Do not complete ANY assignment by using the copy/paste function. 

Office Hours this week: Monday and Thursday: I will hold "drop in" Office Hours on Tuesday and Thursday this week.  A link will be posted in Google Classroom.  

Link for the student Covid screener:

Info about "grab and go" lunches:

Info about the food pantry program at Chabot College -- food and other supplies for those in need every Thursday.  Read the flyer:



EL World History: 

Our current unit is World War II.  

Last Week:  

 notes on "Causes of World War II" were due on Wednesday, Feb. 17th. 

You will be adding more words to your vocabulary notebook. We will be covering important terms about the governments of the Interwar period. 

Map Activity: The map of Europe was changed after World War I.  You will be studying some maps of this period and answering questions about them. 

I will show slides on the Interwar period, and you will take notes. 

Edpuzzle Video: Europe between the Wars.  Listen carefully!

This Week: 

We will continue our notes on the Interwar period.

You will be learning some important terms and definitions related to the new types of government that arose in the years before World War II. 

Padlet: Was the Treaty of Versailles Unfair to Germany? 

We'll be discussing the rise of Adolph Hitler in Germany -- soon, you will be writing  a paragraph about the situation in Germany and how Hitler took control of the country.  

US History:  

Unit Test on the Great Depression and New Deal: Come to office hours on Thursday, 2-25, or email me to make an appointment  to make up the test. 

We are starting a new unit on World War II on the Home Front. 

Last Week:  

We discussed the impact of the New Deal, and you answered questions in GC.  

Your Google Slides brochure on a New Deal program, was due on Wednesday, Feb. 17th. Grades are in Aeries, unless you handed it in late. 

You took the unit test on Thursday/Friday.  

This Week:

World War II was truly a global war and a total war.  

You couldn't win unless you were ALL IN.  That included the military and the citizens at home!

We'll start with some video footage of what it was like to go from Depression to total war virtually overnight.  

Text Notes: Mobilizing the Home Front.  The textbook chapter is posted in GC, and there is a form for your notes. Your notes are due on Friday.  

If you haven't yet watched the Edpuzzle video "Path to Pearl Harbor," you should do that  by Wednesday.

Battles on the Home Front:  What did the folks at home need to do to help with the war effort? A lot, as it turned out.  You'll be taking notes on the home front propaganda of World War II.  Propaganda can be analyzed the same way as political cartoons (or anything that contains symbolic imagery). 

AP Euro:

AP Exam: Save the Date: you should be planning to take the AP Exam virtually, on the latest of the examination dates (June 2nd at 9:00 am for APEH).  If you are sure this date won't work for you, contact Mr. Baker. 

Last Week:  

Hub Dates (1st semester only -- 1450 to 1815).   

The LEQ was due on Wednesday. 

Work on the list of 19th century thinkers and ideas -- your source is the Perry book.  Remember to focus on significance!  

We finished LNB.  In what ways was his reign a "liberal empire?"  In other words, was he a liberal or a conservative? To what extent? Was he able to effectively balance the demands of various interest groups and classes? How were his foreign and domestic policies tailored to accomplish this? How/why did he succeed/fail? 

Consider: How did LNB's monarchy reflect the overall context of the 19th century? Class conflict, balance of power, nationalism, etc. 

We covered the Crimean War and 19th century Russia (not including WWI and the Revolution). 

AP Daily Videos were posted in GC, as well as an Edpuzzle on Crimea.  There is also a video on the "Great Reforms" of Alexander II of Russia

I posted the SG for Chapter 23. 

This Week: 

We'll discuss the LEQ Outline in class. If your score was below 15, it was my impression that your essay would not receive a passing score on the AP LEQ. It also means that as a college-freshman essay, it would receive a low score.  If you received a score below 17, you may revise and resubmit. Please highlight any changes you make. 

Hub Dates from 1st semester should be finished/turned in. 

AP Videos for this week are posted in GC. 

You are working on the SG for Chapter 23.  Note that we have two chapters remaining in in the 19th century (23 and 24), and then we'll be at WWI, the "war to end all wars."  If only. 

We'll continue our endless series of lectures on the 19th century. Topics this week include the unification of Germany and Karl Marx.  I've posted a handout with terms related to socialism.  

EC Video: Unification of Germany

Things you are working on: List/Notes on 19th Century Thinkers and Ideas.  Use the Perry book.  This is due at the end of the 19th century material. 

Review for Chapter 20, using the test and answer sheet in GC. 

Content Review:  "Review Quizzes" and Sparknotes timelines, posted in GC. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

3d Quarter 2-22 to 2-26

 Important Information for All Students: 

Application for AP European History:

Information Flyer for APEH:

College/Career Center Newsletter:

Second Semester Schedule:

Grades: 3rd Quarter Progress Report period ended Friday, February 5th. Grades were submitted on Tuesday, February 9th.  

Google Classroom:  Do not move or copy the assignments in such a way that I cannot find/read them in GC.  Please don't "turn in" blank documents.  This will not prevent the assignment from being "missing" in Aeries. 

Late Work:  Late work may be eligible for partial credit.  Check with me in advance for approval to do late work from previous units.   Focus on recent work -- the current unit.  

Copied Work: If you turn in work that is copied from any source, I will give you a zero for that assignment. This includes work copied from another student. Do not complete ANY assignment by using the copy/paste function. 

Office Hours this week: Monday and Thursday: I will hold "drop in" Office Hours on Tuesday and Thursday this week.  A link will be posted in Google Classroom.  

Link for the student Covid screener:

Info about "grab and go" lunches:

Info about the food pantry program at Chabot College -- food and other supplies for those in need every Thursday.  Read the flyer:



EL World History: 

Our current unit is World War II.  

Last Week:  

 notes on "Causes of World War II" were due on Wednesday, Feb. 17th. 

You will be adding more words to your vocabulary notebook. We will be covering important terms about the governments of the Interwar period. 

Map Activity: The map of Europe was changed after World War I.  You will be studying some maps of this period and answering questions about them. 

I will show slides on the Interwar period, and you will take notes. 

Edpuzzle Video: Europe between the Wars.  Listen carefully!

This Week: 

We will continue our notes on the Interwar period.

You will be learning some important terms and definitions related to the new types of government that arose in the years before World War II. 

Padlet: Was the Treaty of Versailles Unfair to Germany? 

We'll be discussing the rise of Adolph Hitler in Germany -- soon, you will be writing  a paragraph about the situation in Germany and how Hitler took control of the country.  

US History:  

We are starting a new unit on World War II on the Home Front. 

Last Week:  

We discussed the impact of the New Deal, and you answered questions in GC.  

Your Google Slides brochure on a New Deal program, was due on Wednesday, Feb. 17th. Grades are in Aeries, unless you handed it in late. 

You took the test on Thursday/Friday. 

This Week:

World War II was truly a global war and a total war.  

You couldn't win unless you were ALL IN.  That included the military and the citizens at home!

We'll start with some video footage of what it was like to go from Depression to total war virtually overnight.  

Text Notes: Mobilizing the Home Front.  The textbook chapter is posted in GC, and there is a form for your notes. Your notes are due on Friday.  

If you haven't yet watched the Edpuzzle video "Path to Pearl Harbor," you should do that  by Wednesday.

Battles on the Home Front:  What did the folks at home need to do to help with the war effort? A lot, as it turned out.  You'll be taking notes on the home front propaganda of World War II.  Propaganda can be analyzed the same way as political cartoons (or anything that contains symbolic imagery). 

AP Euro:

AP Exam: There is a $40 fee for late signups, but there is no penalty for cancelling.  Sign up for the exam!  

Save the Date: you should be planning to take the AP Exam virtually, on the latest of the examination dates (June 2nd for APEH).  If you are sure this date won't work for you, contact Mr. Baker. 

Last Week:  

Hub Dates (1st semester only -- 1450 to 1815).   

The LEQ was due on Wednesday. 

Work on the list of 19th century thinkers and ideas -- your source is the Perry book.  Remember to focus on significance!  

We finished LNB.  In what ways was his reign a "liberal empire?"  In other words, was he a liberal or a conservative? To what extent? Was he able to effectively balance the demands of various interest groups and classes? How were his foreign and domestic policies tailored to accomplish this? How/why did he succeed/fail? 

Consider: How did LNB's monarchy reflect the overall context of the 19th century? 

We covered the Crimean War and 19th century Russia (not including WWI and the Revolution). 

AP Daily Videos were posted in GC, as well as an Edpuzzle on Crimea.  There is also a video on the "Great Reforms" of Alexander II of Russia

I posted the SG for Chapter 23. 

This Week: 

We'll discuss the LEQ Outline in class. If your score was below 15, it was my impression that your essay would not receive a passing score on the AP LEQ. It also means that as a college-freshman essay, it would receive a low score.  If you received a score below 17, you may revise and resubmit. 

Hub Dates from 1st semester should be finished/turned in. 

AP Videos for this week are posted in GC. 

You are working on the SG for Chapter 23.  Note that we have two chapters remaining in in the 19th century (23 and 24), and then we'll be at WWI, the "war to end all wars."  If only. 

We'll continue our endless series of lectures on the 19th century. Topics this week include the unification of Germany and Karl Marx.  I've posted a handout with terms related to socialism.  

EC Video: Unification of Germany

Things you are working on: List/Notes on 19th Century Thinkers and Ideas.  Use the Perry book.  This is due at the end of the 19th century material. 

Review for Chapter 20, using the test and answer sheet in GC. 

Content Review:  "Review Quizzes" and Sparknotes timelines, posted in GC.