Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Friday, April 29, 2016

US History:
1. Due at block: Outline or Cornell notes on "1968: A Year of Crises."

EL World History:
No homework.

1. Chapter 29 SG due on Monday.
2. If you didn't hand in the Cold War review sheets on Friday, you may hand them in on Monday.
3. If you have not started to review for the AP Exam, use the review sheets handed out in class on Friday to get started.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

US History:
1. Vocabulary quiz Friday: Vietnam

EL World History:
No homework

1. Due Friday: Cold War review sheets.
2. Due Monday: Chapter 29 SG -- Last SG of the year!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

US History:
1. Due Thursday: Your foreign policy recommendation (one paragraph, typed), informing the president what course of action the US should take in Vietnam. Should we support the French or the Viet Minh?  Include as much concrete information and examples as possible.

EL World History:
No homework.

1. Work on the Ch. 29 SG.  I will be collecting some of the Cold War review sheets to go with the Ch. 28 SG.

Monday, April 25, 2016

US History:
1. If you missed the test/binder last Friday, see me immediately to arrange a makeup.

EL World History:
1. Finish the questions on Part I of "Stalin and the Revolution from Above." Due Thursday.

1. Chapter 28 SG is due at block.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

US History:
1. Unit test Friday.  Review sheets are due, and I will be collecting a packet of work from your binder.

EL World History:
1. You will be writing a paragraph on Marxism in class on Friday. You may use the chart you made in class on Thursday while writing the paragraph.

1. Work on the Chapter 28 IDs and the Cold War review sheets.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

US History:
1. Due Thursday: "Cold War: New Battleground," numbers 7-16. Also due: the worksheet that goes with the Cold War review packet.
2. Reminder: if you are planning to retake the recent vocabulary quiz (Cold War Concepts), you have until Friday to do it.
3. Unit test on the Cold War will take place on Friday.

EL World History:
1. If you didn't finish the notes on the reading about Marxism, finish them and have them ready for my stamp on Thursday.

1. You should be working on the Chapter 28 SG.
2. If you are not already reviewing for the AP Exam, you should start now. Be sure that any review book you buy is updated for the 2016 Exam.

Monday, April 18, 2016

US History:
1. Vocabulary Quiz at Block!  Cold War concepts.

EL World History:
No homework.

1. Chapter 27 SG is due at block.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

US History:
1. Quiz on Cold War "Ideological" words will take place at block next week.

EL World History:
1. Finish the questions on the 1917 Revolution. I'll stamp them on Friday.

1. Keep working on the Chapter 27 IDs.  We won't spend long on this unit...the SG will be due early next week.
2. If you haven't finished the DBQ outlines (both sides of the outline sheet), be sure to finish these and have them ready to hand in with the SG.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

US History:
If you missed the quiz at block this week, see me right away to arrange a makeup.

EL World History:
1. If you didn't finish the questions about the Russian Revolution, have them ready for a stamp on Thursday.
2. Quiz on Thursday: Russian Revolution.

1. World on the Chapter 28 SG.
2. DBQ practice on Thursday.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Grades were submitted to the office today. See me if you have any questions about your grade.

US History:
1. If you missed the quiz at block period, see me right away to arrange a makeup.

EL World History:
1. Your poster (Russian Society) is due at block, if you didn't finish it in class on Monday.

1. Work on the IDs for Chapter 27.
2. DBQ practice on Thursday.

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

US History:
1. Due Thursday: Reading notes on "Cold War Begins."  Be sure to take good reading notes.  As usual, there will be an open-note quiz on this material.

EL World History:
1. Quiz on Thursday!  Growth of Russia.  Study the review sheet you completed in class, and the "Growth of Russia" lecture notes.

1. Be ready to share your outline for the DBQ on the Russian peasantry.
2. Keep working on the Chapter 26 SG.

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

US History:
1. Due Thursday: Cornell (or outline) notes for "Cold War Begins." 
2. If you need to make up the essay, take the WWII test or hand in the binder packet, come in before school or at lunch to take care of this.  You can also come on Thursday after school. 

EL World History:
1. Due at block: Answers to the questions on "Growth of Russia." 

1. You should be working on the Chapter 26 SG. 
2. Be ready to share your outline of DBQ (Russian Peasantry) on Thursday.  Use the outline form (either side) -- show your thesis statement and topic sentences, and indicate which documents will go in each paragraph.  Use an asterisk to show which docs you will use for a more in-depth POV discussion. 

Monday, April 04, 2016

This is the last week of 3rd quarter.  Please see me right away to schedule any needed makeup work!

US History:
1. Due Thursday: Cornell (or outline) notes on "Cold War Begins."
2. If you missed the essay, test or binder check from WWII, see me to arrange a makeup.

EL World History:
1. I will be collecting the questions on "Growth of Russia" at block. Be sure to use complete sentences.

1. You should be working on the Chapter 26 SG.  Read the poetry selections that were handed out last week (Hardy and Yeats).
2. Read the Perry selections. These will help you get an idea of the upheaval of the interwar period.
3. Have you registered for the AP Exam?  If not, you must do it this week. Everyone is expected to take the AP Exam.