Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

US History:
1. Fifth period will take the "Becoming a World Power" homework quiz on Thursday.
2. We'll review the Foreign Policy material, not including WWI.

EL World History:
1. If you didn't finish the WWI map in class, finish it for a stamp on Thursday.

1. MC test on Chapter 16 on Thursday!  Bring your SG and other stuff.
2. If you missed the DBQ on Tuesday, see me immediately to arrange a makeup.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Second quarter progress report grades have been transmitted to the office, and grades should be mailed out later this week.  See me if you have any questions about your grade.

US History:
No homework

EL World History:
No homework.

1. MC test on Chapter 16 on Thursday!  Be ready to hand in your SG.

Monday, December 14, 2015

US History:
No homework.

EL World History:
No homework.

1. Think about the development of the nation-state.
2. We will take the Chapter 16 unit test on Thursday.  Be prepared to hand in your SG (including the chart and fill-ins) and your annotations on Rousseau.
3. I should have your answers to the Candide questions.  You had the options of handing in group or individual answers, so I should have something from everyone.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Second quarter progress report period has ended; I will be submitting grades to the office on Tuesday morning. If you need to see me about your grade, or if you need to make up any work, see me immediately!

US History:
1. If you didn't finish the questions on the back of the reading (senator Beveridge's speech), have them ready for a stamp on Monday.

EL World History:
1. Complete the questions on the back of the notes on "Short Term Causes of WWI." 

1. Finish the second part of the Chapter 16 SG.  Do the fill-ins and the chart on rulers. 
2. Read and annotate the excerpt from Rousseau.  
3. Read and highlight the philosopher sheet. 
4. You should be able to hand in your Pope/Voltaire responses by Monday.  Remember that you can either turn in a single set of responses for your group (better be good!), but if you prefer, you can turn in your own set of answers. 
5. Note that you may turn in a book review for 2nd quarter. Check the list that accompanied your summer homework, or see me for suggestions. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

US History:
1. Due Friday: "Becoming a World Power."
2. Quiz Friday: Vocabulary related to the Spanish-American War.

EL World History:
1. Quiz Friday: WWI vocabulary.

1. Second part of the SG is due Monday.  Do the fill-ins. You should also have a nice timeline of scientists.
2. I'll give you a bit of time to finish your discussions of Pope and Voltaire.
3. Read and annotate Rousseau, and the handouts on gender.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Second quarter progress report period ends Friday. Check your grade in Aeries and see me right away if you have any questions. 

US History:
1. O-N quiz on Thursday: "Reaching for Empire."
2. Due Friday: "Becoming a World Power."

No homework.

1. On Thursday, I'll stamp the first section of the SG for Chapter 16. Do the fill-ins.
2. We will move into groups to discuss Voltaire on Thursday. Be prepared!
3. Finish the second installment of SG questions and IDs.

Monday, December 07, 2015

Second quarter progress report ends this Friday, December 11th.  Check your grade and see me right away if you have any questions, or if you need to make up work. 

US History:
1. Due at block: "Reaching for Empire."  Take good notes, as there will be an open-note quiz on this section of the textbook.  
2. We'll finish the "Foreign Policy Spectrum" in class during block period. 

EL World History:
No homework. 

1. Work on the assigned SG questions.  Do the fill-ins.  
2. You should be finished with Candide by now.  
3. We will work on the Scientific Revolution timeline in class at block. 

Friday, December 04, 2015

US History:
1. Due at block: "Reaching for Empire."
2. If you missed the unit test on Friday, see me immediately to arrange a makeup.

EL World History:
1. No homework.
2. If you missed the unit test on Friday, see me immediately to arrange a makeup.

1. Finish reading Candide. If we go into groups to discuss the book, I will not be able to place you in a group if you have not finished reading it.
2. You should be reading the first two sections of Chapter 16 and working on the SG questions. There will be some work time in class either on Monday or at block.
3. If you missed the unit test on Friday, see me immediately to arrange a makeup.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

US History:
1. Unit test on Friday!  Review sheets are due.  Also due: Progressives T-chart (I will stamp it), and extra credit if you are doing it.

1. Unit test on Friday.
2. On Thursday, you can finish your writing/poster, "I Took a Walk in Manchester."

1. Copy and past this link for the lecture notes on the 30 Years War.  Let me know if this doesn't work.

2. Unit test/SG on Friday.

Wednesday, December 02, 2015

US History:
1. Due Friday: T-chart on Progressives; extra credit if you are doing it; review sheets.

EL World History:
1. You will have some time in class to complete your writing assignment and illustration.
2. Unit test is Friday.

1. Thirty Years' War on Thursday; unit test on Friday.
2. Finish reading Candide.

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

US History:
1. T-chart is due on Friday.

EL World History:
1. If you didn't finish the questions on "New Ideas of the Industrial Revolution," have it ready for a stamp on Wednesday.

1. Finish reading Candide.
2. SG is due Friday, when you take the unit test. The test includes the 1648 map.