Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Friday, May 31, 2013

US History:
1. You will receive the essay prompts on Monday and you will have the whole period to prepare your essay.  On Wednesday, you'll write the essay and turn it in at the end of the period.

World History:
1. If you didn't finish the open-note quiz on Deng Xiaoping and Tiananmen Square in class on Friday, you should finish it over the weekend.

EL World History:
No homework.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

US History:
1. Due Friday: Do the first four sections on the chart of groups that were seeking liberty and equality during the Civil Rights movement. Be sure to focus on their goals and the strategies they used to reach their goals.

World History:
1. Due Friday: Reading outline on the handout about Deng Xiaoping (Side A) and the protest at Tiananmen Square (Side B).

EL World History:
1. Finish writing answers to the question on the Timeline of Modern China. Be sure to use complete, correct sentences. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

US History:
No homework.

World History:
1. Due Thursday: Practice quiz on the Chinese Revolution.

EL World History:
1. Due Thursday: Timeline of Modern Chinese History.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

US History:
1. Due at block: "New Frontier and Great Society."

World History:
1. Essay at block.
2. Due Thursday: practice quiz on the Chinese Revolution.

EL World History:
1. Due Thursday: Timeline of Modern Chinese History.

Friday, May 24, 2013

US History:
1. Due at block: "New Frontier and Great Society." Know the differences between Kennedy and Johnson (both democratic presidents of the 1960s).

World History:
1. Have your outline and/or chart ready at block.  You will be able to have the prompt sheet with the outline and the chart during the essay, as well as a copy of the rubric. Do not bring a fully written draft.

EL World History:
1. Finish the reading and questions on the Opium Wars. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

US History:
1. You should have a completed Venn diagram comparing Martin Luther King, Jr and Malcolm X on Friday.

World History:
We'll prepare for your final essay in class on Friday.

EL World History:
No homework.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

US History:
1. Vocabulary quiz at block.

World History:
No homework. 

EL World History:
No homework. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

US History:
1. Civil Rights vocabulary quiz at block.

World History:
1. Due at block: Timeline of Modern Chinese History.  Make sure your bullet points are meaningful and complete.

EL World History:
No homework.

European History Film Festival. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

US History:
1. Due Monday: Civil Rights vocabulary list.  Write your definitions on a separate sheet of paper. We'll go over them on Monday and take a quiz at block.  You may use your book or the Internet to look up the terms, but write the definitions in your own words. 

World History:
No homework.

EL World History:
No homework.

Bring something for the cultural event on Monday.  I have paper plates, napkins, paper cups and plastic utensils. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

US History:
1. Unit test on Vietnam is Friday.  The crossword puzzle is due.  You may hand in the study question sheet for extra credit.  Both sides must be filled in; the front side was completed during the Cold War unit. 

World History:
1. Presentations will be finished on Friday, and there will be a quiz on China before the Revolution.

EL World History:
No homework.

There will be a Western Civilization cultural event on Monday.  You should bring something that is Western or maybe something that comes from a culture that has been influenced by the West, or maybe something that comes from a culture that has influenced the West.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

US History:
1. We'll wrap up the Vietnam unit on Thursday and take the test on Friday.

World History:
2. Presentations on Thursday!

EL World History:
1. Essay on Thursday.  Be sure your chart is filled in and you have your outline with you. 

Nothing.  Zip. Nada. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

US History:
1. You have an open-note homework quiz on "1968: Year of Crises."  (Assigned last Thursday.) 
2. If you missed the political cartoon or the quiz on basic Vietnam facts, you need to see me right away. We're almost finished with this unit.

World History:
1. Due at block: "Opium Wars" sheet.
2. You will have additional time in class to work with your partner/group on the readings and chart covering conditions in China before the revolution. 

EL World History:
1. Fill in your chart with as many causes and effects of the Cold War as possible.
2. Use the chart to create an outline for your essay.
3. You will be writing on Thursday!

Get a good night's sleep. Eat breakfast. You should leave class at 11:30, so that you will be able to get lunch before the exam.  Relax and feel powerful. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

US History:
1. Open-Note quiz on "1968: Year of Crises" will take place at block. 
2. We should be finished with this unit by Thursday; I'm still working on the test, which should be on either Thursday or Friday. 

World History:
1. Answers to the "Opium War" worksheet are due at block.  Please use complete sentences and give thorough answers.

EL World History:
1. Finish the review sheets and be ready for a test at block. 

I will be available before/after school and at lunch on Tuesday, and before school on Wednesday.
Good Luck to All! 

Friday, May 10, 2013

US History:
1. Due Monday: Text notes on "1968, A Year of Crises."
2. If you would like to re-take the quiz on basic Vietnam facts, see me on Monday, before school or after school.

World History:
1. Due Monday: Text notes on "Advance of Imperialism."

EL World History:
1. The unit test on the Russian Revolution and the Cold War will take place on Tuesday.  I will also check your binder on Tuesday.

1. Review like crazy.  

Thursday, May 09, 2013

US History:
1. Due Monday: Cornell notes on "1968: A Year of Crises."  There will be an open-note quiz on this assignment next week.
2. You have until the end of the day Friday to re-take the Vietnam vocabulary quiz.
3. You may also re-take the pop quiz on basic Vietnam facts.  You should do this by Monday. 

World History:
1. Due Monday: Reading notes on imperialism in China. 

EL World History:
1. Finish the questions on "Soviet Reforms and the Collapse of the Soviet Union." 

1. Review!  Let's look at additional essay questions on Friday -- this seems to be everyone's weakness.

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Fourth quarter progress report period ends Friday, May 10th.  Check your grade and see me if you have any questions. 

US History:
1. Due Thursday: Answers to the questions on the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Answer the questions on the little handout, not the ones on the reading. 
2. If you want to retake the vocabulary quiz, come at lunch or after school on Thursday or Friday, or early in the morning on either day. 

World History:
1. Due Thursday: Answers to the questions on "Development of Chinese Civilization."  The answer to the last question requires you to write a paragraph.  It should be thoughtful, and should explain why you think either Daoism, Legalism, or Confucianism is the best system for society. 

EL World History:
No homework.

Review!  You should know all the items on all the review sheets.  Take a look at the sheet with old essay prompts...could you answer them?
Let's look at another DBQ on Thursday.   

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

US History:
1. Your T-chart comparing the point of view of France and the Viet Minh is due at block.  When you are finished, you should be able to explain why each side believed the US should help them.
2. Vietnam vocabulary quiz at block.

World History:
1. Due at block: Map of China.
2. Due Thursday: Answers to the questions on "Development of Chinese Civilization."  This should include a paragraph explaining which ancient Chinese school of thought you believe would be the best for creating order and unity in China.

EL World History:
1. You should have lots of things on your "Causes and Effects of the Cold War" chart. 

1. Review!  We'll try a DBQ on Wednesday. 

Monday, May 06, 2013

US History:
1. You T-chart comparing the point of view of the French and the Viet Minh communists is due at block.  What arguments did each side make to convince Truman that the United States should help them?  Which side do you find most convincing?
 2. Vocabulary quiz at block: Vietnam terms. 

World History:
2. Your map of China is due at block. 

EL World History:
No homework. 

Review like crazy. 

Friday, May 03, 2013

US History:
No homework.  If you missed the unit test (Wednesday), you need to make an appointment with me to make it up immediately.

World History:
No homework.  You'll have some time to finish the map of China in class on Monday.

EL World History:
No homework.

REVIEW!  Use all review sheets and Internet resources. 

Thursday, May 02, 2013

US History:
1. Due Friday: Map of Vietnam.

World History:
1. Unit test on the Russian Revolution and the Cold War is Friday.  Your completed review sheets are due at the beginning of the period.  Be sure to bring your binder.

EL World History:
1. Review sheet on Lenin and Stalin is due on Friday.

1. You should be reviewing.  Use the sheets I gave you.  Try Quizlet.  Look at the sites on the list of websites I gave you at the beginning of the course.  Use the website for the textbook. Review all those Study Guides you worked so hard on!

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

US History:
1. I guess we'll go to the teasers on Thursday. 
2. Vietnam on Friday. 

World History:
1. Due Thursday: Question sheet that goes with the Cold War packet. 

EL World History:
1. You should hand in your Stalin poster at the beginning of the period Thursday.

1. Keep working on all those review sheets.  It's really important to remind yourself about all the stuff you've learned over the year.  It will really help you write better essays...