Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Friday, March 29, 2013

US History:
1. "Cold War Begins" is due at block after the break.

World History:
1. No homework.  If you didn't get "Background to the Revolution" stamped, I will still stamp it first thing Monday.

EL World History:
No homework.

1. Get started on Chapter 30 and the accompanying Study Guide. 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

US History:
No homework. 

World History:
1. Due Friday: first set of reading notes -- Background to the Revolution/Rise of Lenin.

EL World History:
1. You should do at least half of the review sheet.

1. Unit test Friday -- there is a map of interwar Europe with questions/clues. 
What nation had a bloody civil war in the 1930s, in which the fascist Nationalists, assisted by the Germans and Italians, defeated the Republicans? (This is the civil war reflected in Picasso's "Guernica.") 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

US History:
No homework.

World History:
1. Quiz Thursday on "Growth of Russia."
2. If you didn't finish your map in class at block, have it ready for a stamp at the beginning of the period Thursday. 
3. Due Friday: first section of reading notes on the background to the Russian Revolution.

EL World History:
1. If you didn't finish your map in class at block, finish it as homework. 

1. You should have 4 solid categories of reasons for the rise of Nazism in Germany.  For each category, write a topic sentence that would be a good start for a paragraph based on that category.  Write the prompt for this essay.
2. Unit test is Friday.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

US History:
1. Unit test at block! 

World History:
1. If you didn't finish the map of Russia at block, it's due Thursday.
2. The first section of reading notes is due Friday.

EL World History:
1. If you didn't finish the map of Russia at block, it's due Thursday.

1. Chapter 29 Study Guide is due at block.
 2. We'll review the Chapter 28 Study Guide, and then move on to a deeper consideration of Nazi ideology and the reasons why the Nazis were able to gain the support of so many Germans, and to gain control of Germany. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

US History
1.  WWII test at block!  We'll review, then take the test.  Don't forget to bring your binder.

World History:
1. "Growth of Russia" is due at block. 

EL World History:
1. Answer the first few questions on the back of the notes we took on Monday.

1. Chapter 29 Study Guide is due at block.  We should be able to take the test on Chapters 28 and 29 by Friday. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

US History:
1. You may bring your chart to the essay on Monday.  You may also bring a prepared introduction, thesis statement and 3 topic sentences.  However, this is an "in-class" essay...You may NOT bring a draft of your paper, or download anything from your email, etc. 
2. The unit test on WWII will be at block. 

World History:
No homework.

EL World History:
No homework.

1. Finish the last section of Chapter 29, which is due at block.  I forgot to stamp the first two sections on Friday, so I'll do that on Monday.
2. Nazism seems so crazy now...what conditions enabled Hitler to appeal to so many Germans.  Germany was not a backward nation...big cities, universities, impressive literature and science academies, etc.  What was it about Hitler's message that appealed to them at this particular time? 
3. We should be ready for a unit test on the interwar period and WWII by the end of the week. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

US History:
1. If you didn't finish the reading "History without Hiroshima?" in class on Thursday, you should finish it as homework.  Take Cornell notes on the reading and answer the questions on the back of the page.  When you finish, add more material to your chart.
2. On Friday, you will receive the prompt for the essay, and you will have a chance to put the finishing touches on your chart and plan your response to the prompt. 
3. The unit test for WWII will be given at block period next week.

World History:
1. Your Venn diagram is due on Friday.
2. There is a test on the Holocaust and other genocides on Friday.

EL World History:
1. Your crossword is due on Friday, and there will be quiz on the Holocaust.

1. Keep working on Chapter 29; you should have the first two sections finished by Friday.  We definitely need to take a unit test before spring break.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

US History:
1. You should have the video notes fully and accurately filled in.  You should also have put lots of information on your chart. 
2. On Thursday, you will read and analyze a final source and put the finishing touches on your chart.  You will have time to outline your essay, which you will write in class on Monday.
3. The unit test for WWII will take place at block period next week.

World History:
No homework.

EL World History:
1. On Thursday, you will continue working on the Venn diagram and the Holocaust crossword.  I will stamp your 3-4 sentence summary.
2. We will take a short Holocaust quiz on Thursday or Friday.

1. Keep working on Chapter 29. 
2. Try to remember all the things you learned in the last couple of years about WWII and especially about the causes of the war and the new ideas that arose.
3. Try this site for review:   On the left side of the page, click on History and Geography, then click on European History.  Some of the reviews are better than others...   Some are clearly keyed to other textbooks, and contain some stuff we haven't covered.  But a lot of them seem pretty good.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

US History:
1. If you didn't finish the notes and responses on the decision to build and use atomic bombs, you should have this finished by the beginning of the period on Wednesday.

World History:
No homework.

EL World History:
Feel free to bring music or an item to show or share on Thursday or Friday.

1. You should be working on Chapter 28 and the associated Study Guide selections.  Try to focus on the rise of Nazism in the long-term sense.  What ideas about nationalism and human nature had been developing over the course of the preceding century?  How did these ideas comport with or contradict long-standing ideas about reason and human nature? 
2. How were conditions for Russian peasants similar to conditions for French peasants before the French Revolution?  How were they different?  How were the social and political ideas of the late 18th century and the early 19th century, when these two crucial events took place, different? 

Monday, March 18, 2013

US History:
1. Finish the readings on the decision to build and use the atomic bomb.  Be sure to take good notes that you will be able to use later.  Choose one of the critical reading responses for each decision, or write one of your own.  Be sure to explain your response. 

World History:
No homework.

EL World History:
1.I will give you time to answer the questions at the bottom of your Holocaust notes at block. 

1. Start reading Chapter 28 and work on the Study Guide questions. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

US History:
No homework.

World History:
 1. If you didn't finish the worksheet on "Responsibility," have it finished for a stamp on Monday.

EL World History:
1. Your unit test on WWII is Monday.  The vocabulary review (boxes) is due Monday as well.

1. Due Monday: Last part of Chapter 28 Study Guide.  Please have your art notes ready to hand in, also. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

US History:
No homework.

World History:
No homework.

EL World History:
1. Finish the blue sheet and be ready to read the paragraphs that were assigned to you. 
2. Unit test is Friday.

1. I will stamp the first two sections of the Chapter 28 Study Guide on Friday. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

US History:
1. You should definitely have your chart filled out with good, solid information about how WWII impacted different American social groups.  You will be using this chart for an activity at block.

World History:
No homework.

EL World History:
1. You should finish the blue review sheet, and be ready to read your paragraphs.

1. You should be reading Chapter 28, and working on the Study Guide sections.
2. I will conference with you about your essays at block.  

Monday, March 11, 2013

US History:
1. If you didn't finish the chart on the impact of WWII on US social groups, it is due at block.

World History:
No homework.

EL World History:
1. Finish the blue review sheet and be prepared to read your assigned paragraphs to the class on Thursday.
2. The unit test on WWII is Friday.

1. Start working on Chapter 28 and the accompanying Study Guide questions.
2. I will discuss your essay with you and your partner while we are in the computer lab at block.
3. Art!  

Friday, March 08, 2013

US History:
1. Due at block: Chart on the impact of WWII on American social groups.

World History:
No homework.

EL World History:
1. If you didn't hand in your WWII book, turn it in on Monday.
2. You'll have your WWII unit test on Friday.

1. Test and Study Guide for Chapter 27 on Monday. 

Thursday, March 07, 2013

US History:
1. Quiz Friday!  Be sure to have all notes with you.  You will be able to use your reading notes only if they are stamped. 

World History:
No homework.

EL World History:
1. You'll have time in class on Friday to work on your book.

1. Due Friday: POV comparison.  Sources are in Perry.
2. Due Monday: Last installment of the Chapter 27 Study Guide.  We should also take the unit test on Monday.
3. You'll be in the computer lab next week looking at modern art. 

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

US History:
1. You should have the following assignments in your binder for World War II now -- lecture notes on "Battles on the Home Front," two sets of reading note ("Mobilizing the Home Front" and "War and Civil Rights"), two maps (Europe and the Pacific) and a timeline of WWII. 
2. Quiz coming soon. 

World History:
1. We'll be watching Schindler for the next few days.

EL World History:
1. You will have more time to work on your World War II book on Thursday. 

1. Due Friday: POV comparison for Wilson, Clemenceau and the German delegation to the Paris peace talks. 
2 Due Monday: Last part of the Chapter 27 Study Guide. 
3. We are on schedule to finish our curriculum and spend some time studying for the AP exam.  If you are planning to purchase a review book or begin taking practice tests, this would be a good time to get going on that.  See me for recommendations on review materials. 

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

US History:
1. Due at block: "War and Civil Rights."
2. We'll finish the map and the timeline.
3. There will be a quiz on both sets of reading notes...on Thursday.

World History:
1. Quiz at block, after we meet with the counselor to discuss programming for next year. 

EL World History:
No homework. 

1. The second installment of your Chapter 27 Study Guide is due at block.
2. POV comparison for Wilson, Clemenceau and the German delegation to the Paris Peace Conference is due Friday. 
3. Finish the 19th century people quiz.  Be prepared to share. 

Monday, March 04, 2013

US History:
1. Due at block: "War and Civil Rights."  We'll review this assignment, then take a quiz that covers both "Mobilizing the Home Front" and "War and Civil Rights."
2. You'll have a little more time in class to finish the timeline.

World History:
1. At block, you will be meeting with a counselor to discuss programming for next year.
2. As soon as we return from the meeting, you'll take a quiz on terms and concepts related to the Holocaust. 

EL World History:
1. At block, you will be meeting with a counselor to discuss programming for next year.
2. You'll have time to work on your World War II book in class on Tuesday and Thursday.  

1. Finish the 19th century people quiz. 
2. Finish the WWI review sheets; these should be pretty easy.
3. Due at block: second part of the Study Guide for Chapter 27.