First Quarter ends this Friday, November 6th. Be sure you check you grade, and see me if you have any questions or need to make up recently missed work.
US History:
1. You should finish the T-Chart on Reconstruction for Monday. Remember, you are looking for evidence that Reconstruction was successful, and evidence that it was a failure. Check the definition of Reconstruction (you wrote in on the back of the half-sheet) to make sure you're finding the right kinds of evidence.
2. On Monday, we'll review the chart and discuss essay structure. You'll have a chance to write your thesis statement and topic sentences.
World History:
1. Due Monday: Your handmade vehicle. Any kind of vehicle, made of any materials.
2. Due at block: Cornell notes on the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in Britain.
1. Keep reading, and keep thinking about the relationship between religion and politics. This is a period in which kings continued the trend of gaining control of religion within their borders...but they did it in various ways. In the long run, the outcome was some degree of separation of church and state. Spain, France, England, Russia...all emerged from this period with more centralized states...but Germany did not. Why?
2. Notorious French Kings Quiz next week...say, Thursday?
US History:
1. You should finish the T-Chart on Reconstruction for Monday. Remember, you are looking for evidence that Reconstruction was successful, and evidence that it was a failure. Check the definition of Reconstruction (you wrote in on the back of the half-sheet) to make sure you're finding the right kinds of evidence.
2. On Monday, we'll review the chart and discuss essay structure. You'll have a chance to write your thesis statement and topic sentences.
World History:
1. Due Monday: Your handmade vehicle. Any kind of vehicle, made of any materials.
2. Due at block: Cornell notes on the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in Britain.
1. Keep reading, and keep thinking about the relationship between religion and politics. This is a period in which kings continued the trend of gaining control of religion within their borders...but they did it in various ways. In the long run, the outcome was some degree of separation of church and state. Spain, France, England, Russia...all emerged from this period with more centralized states...but Germany did not. Why?
2. Notorious French Kings Quiz next week...say, Thursday?