Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Second quarter progress report period ends December 5th -- the end of the week after Thanksgiving break! See you next week!!

US History:
1. You do not have holiday homework.

World History:
1. You do not have holiday homework.

1. Try to read all of Chapter 16 (Absolutism and Constitutionalism) in McKay and at least some of the handouts and Perry readings.
2. Take a look at the essay topics. Consider how you would cluster your examples and analyses for each prompt (what would you intro and body paragraphs be like?).

Thursday, November 20, 2008

US History:
1. Due Friday: Paragraph evaluating the statement "What's Good for Business is Good for America." Typed, double-spaced, 12 pt font, 1 inch margins.
2. If you didn't finish the "Populism and Protest" sheet in class on Thursday, I'll stamp it at the beginning of class on Friday.

World History:
1. Your unit test in the Industrial Revolution is Friday. Be sure to bring your binder to class.
2. If you plan to hand in the review sheet for extra credit, have it ready at the beginning of class.

1. Multiple choice test on Chapter 15 on Friday. There is a map section on the test.
2. Items due Friday: Study Guide, slave trade POV, Montaigne group answers.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

US History:
1. Don't forget that you have a writing assignment due on Friday.

World History:
1. We'll review on Thursday, and take the Industrial Revolution test on Friday.

1. We'll wrap up discussion of Montaigne on Thursday, and I'll hand out some essay prompts. We'll be outlining some of these prompts.
2. MC test on Chapter 15 is Friday. You should be handing in your Study Guide, your slave trade POV comparison, and was there something else??? Hmmmm.... The map?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

US History:
1. You'll have some time in class to complete the "Populism and Protest" notes.
2. Due Friday: paragraph evaluating whether "What's Good for Business is Good for America." Typed, double-spaced, 12 pt font, 1"margins.
3. If you missed the quiz on "Rise of Industrialism" see me right away so we can arrange a makeup before the end of the week!

World History:
1. Study for the test! A good way to do this is to complete the extra credit sheet. Remember to focus on significance of terms/people/ideas!

1. Map quiz at block.
2. Further discussion of Montaigne and Malebrache in groups at block.
3. What causes can you suggest for the phenomenon of "witch hunting?"
4. MC test on Chapter 15 will take place on Friday.

Monday, November 17, 2008

US History:
1. Due Friday: paragraph evaluating the statement "What's Good for Business is Good for America." Remember that we have evidence on both sides of this issue, so you should discuss both sides in your paragraph. Typed, double-spaced, 12 pt font, 1"margins.
2. There's an open-note quiz on "Rise of Industrialism" at block.

World History:
1. We'll cover the new ideas that arose during the Industrial Revolution at block.
2. The test for this unit will take place on Friday, Nov. 21.

1. Map quiz at block.
2. We will take the multiple choice quiz on Chapter 15 on Friday.
3. Your answers to the Montaigne questions will be due on Friday, along with your Study Guide.

Friday, November 14, 2008

US History:
1. Due Monday: "Rise of Industrialism." There will be an open-note quiz on this assignment.
2. Due Friday, Nov. 21st: paragraph. Evaluate the validity of the statement "What's good for business is good for America." We have plenty of evidence on both sides -- review your notes from the PowerPoint slides! Be sure to begin with a strong topic sentence.

World History:
1. If you didn't finish the Internet worksheet on the Victorian era, do this at home.
2. You should have finished the "Industrialization Statements" sheet in class with a partner.

1. We still need to discuss "commercial colonialism." Use the handout on the Dutch East India Company for insight into this.
2. We'll have a quiz on the 1648 map at block.
3. Please read the excerpt from Montaigne's "On Canibals" for Monday. What is Montaigne's point? We'll have small group discussions next week, and I'll give you some additional materials to read with your group if we have time.
4. Why do people fear and attack witches? There are many possible answers to this question...see how many you can think of.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

US History:
1. Due Monday: "Rise of Industrialism." There will be an open-note homework quiz on this assignment.

World History:
1. Due Monday: Industrialization Statements. Write D if you think the statement is describing a disadvantage of the Industrial Revolution. Write A if you think the statement is describing an advantage gained during the Industrial Revolution. Write S if you think it's just a statement of fact -- neither an advantage or disadvantage. You don't need to have 10 of each, but you should know why you chose to label each statement as you did. Does it matter if you think of the statement from the point of view of a worker? A business owner? The government?

1. Due Friday: POV comparisons on the sources related to the slave trade. You were also trying to list as many traits as possible of the modern nation-state. Last but not least, what is commerical colonialism? How is it related to "globalization?"
2. Keep working on the Study Guide.
3. There's a map on page 500 that you should know very well.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

US History:
1. Textbook reading guide entitled "Rise of Industrialism" is due on Monday, Nov. 17.

World History:
1. You do not have homework.

1. POV comparison on the slave trade is due Friday. Also due -- a list of as many characteristics as you can name for the modern nation-state.
2. We'll go over the DBQ and discuss ways to improve!
3. What is sovereignty (the Western-style nation state is only one form)? Can you name some places in the world where sovereignty is shaky or unclear? How do you know?
4. How do you imagine that Europeans intellectually processed their encounters with other -- very different -- people they encountered in their explorations of the world? What were some ways in which they expanded their "worldview" to include these other people?
5. Keep reading McKay and working on your Study Guide.

Monday, November 10, 2008

US History:
1. No homework...except studying for the unit test on the Civil War on Wednesday!! Be sure to bring your binder to class with you on Wednesday.

World History:
1. No homework. We'll finish the chart on "Effects of the Industrial Revolution" in class on Wednesday, and your group will give its presentation to the class.

1. Due Wednesday: Timeline of shifts in English foreign policy from 1527 through 1688, and the puzzle/map.
2. Due Friday: POV comparison for the 4 sources on the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Remember, your task is not to summarize the content of the documents, but to focus specifically on the persepctive of the writer. This could include the writer's occupation, personal background, religious beliefs, profit motives, etc.

Friday, November 07, 2008

US History:
1. You'll write your Reconstruction essay on Monday, and take the multiple choice test on Wednesday.

World History:
No homework!

1. Keep reading McKay and working on the Study Guide.
2. We'll work on the timeline of shifting English foreign policy on Monday.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

US History:
1. We'll go to the teasers on Friday.
2. The essay on Reconstruction will be written in class on Monday. Bring your stamped Tchart and outline (thesis statement and topic sentences).
3. The scantron test will take place on sure to bring your binder to class.

World History:
1. We'll attend the teasers on Friday.
2. If you missed Thursday's quiz on the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, see me to arrange a makeup.

1. Notorious French Kings on Friday!
2. It has been said that a nation has no permanent friend or permanent enemies...only permanent interests. Yet how a nation perceives its interests may change with time. What factors influenced English foreign policy in the 16th and 17th centuries?
3. You should have reading notes on the 30 Years' War. This will allow us to review it more quickly, and it will be less deadly.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

US History:
1. You don't have homework. We'll finish the posters and the crossword on Thursday, as review for the test...on Friday!!!
2. You will be writing the essay on Reconstruction in class on Monday. If you have any questions or difficulties with the prompt, see me at lunch any day this week. Write your thesis statement and topic sentences, and I'll check them to see if you're on the right track.

World History:
1. Due at block: your vehicle and Cornell notes on the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in Britain.
2. You'll be taking an O-N quiz on the Cornell notes on Thursday.

1. Keep reading Chapter 15 in McKay and work on the Study Guide a little at a time!
2. The French Wars of Religion are another example of the explosive combination of religion and politics set off by the Reformation. Did religious groups seek political power? Or did political factions exploit religious fervor to pursue their goals? Do not discount the power of genuine religious devotion.
3. Hub Dates at block....and Notorious French Kings on Friday.