Happy Holiday!!
US History:
1. Textbook assignment entitled "Postwar Turmoil" is due at the block period following the break (January 9).
2. Our last unit before the final exam is The Twenties. You should have a divider in your binder for this unit.
3. I'll have a study guide for the semester final to give you after the break.
World History:
1. There will be a WWI map quiz at the block period after the break...same countries, alliances and other features as the practice quiz.
2. I'll give you a study guide for the semester final after the break.
1. Read all of Chapter 21 (Revolution in Politics) -- mainly on the French Revolution and Napoleon.
2. You should be familiar with the map of Napoleonic Europe...
3. Pay special attention to the causes of the French Revolution. Think in terms of both short and long-term causes. You should be able to relate the French Revolution to all of the big trends we've considered so far in the course...it's climactic event! Query: Which was more revolutionary -- the American or the French Revolution? Explain...in what ways was each "revolutionary?" (Think social, political, economic!) How does each revolution fit into a big picture of Western modernization?
4. Our semester final will cover the material from the beginning of the course to the middle of Chapter 23 -- the revolution in British politics and the Irish famine.
US History:
1. Textbook assignment entitled "Postwar Turmoil" is due at the block period following the break (January 9).
2. Our last unit before the final exam is The Twenties. You should have a divider in your binder for this unit.
3. I'll have a study guide for the semester final to give you after the break.
World History:
1. There will be a WWI map quiz at the block period after the break...same countries, alliances and other features as the practice quiz.
2. I'll give you a study guide for the semester final after the break.
1. Read all of Chapter 21 (Revolution in Politics) -- mainly on the French Revolution and Napoleon.
2. You should be familiar with the map of Napoleonic Europe...
3. Pay special attention to the causes of the French Revolution. Think in terms of both short and long-term causes. You should be able to relate the French Revolution to all of the big trends we've considered so far in the course...it's climactic event! Query: Which was more revolutionary -- the American or the French Revolution? Explain...in what ways was each "revolutionary?" (Think social, political, economic!) How does each revolution fit into a big picture of Western modernization?
4. Our semester final will cover the material from the beginning of the course to the middle of Chapter 23 -- the revolution in British politics and the Irish famine.