Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Remember that you may bring a 3x5 card to the final, containing whatever you want (both sides). It must be handwritten by you, and will be turned in when you finish the exam.

US History:
1. 7th period will write the final essay in the computer lab on Thursday. You may bring your thesis statement and topic sentences/bullet points with you.
2. We'll review for the scantron portion of the final on Friday and Monday.

World Civ:
1. You will be writing the final essay in the computer lab on Thursday. You may bring your thesis statement and topic sentences/bullet points with you.

1. Potluck on Friday?

Monday, June 04, 2007

Please check the school website for a copy of the final exam schedule, so you can plan out your studies!

US History:
1. If you didn't finish the chart of civil rights groups in class on Monday, you should complete it at home.
2. We'll have a little time in class to prepare for the essay, but you should prepare by writing an outline, or even a rough draft, of each essay. This will help you decide which essay you will be more comfortable writing.
3. Third period will write the essay on Wednesday; 7th period will write it on Thursday.

World Civ:
1. Take reading notes on the handout describing issues that divide the Israelis and Palestinian. Be sure you know each side's position on the major issues.
2. We'll have time in class to continue preparing the essay, but you should also review your notebook at home, to see whether you have what you need to respond to each prompt. If not, you may have to prepare using the book.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Check the school website for the finals schedule, and plan your studies accordingly! This Wednesday will be the last tutorial.

US History:
1. Due Monday: Reading notes on New Frontier and Great Society.
2. We'll finish the chart on Civil Righs groups in class.
3. Read/research the essay topics and come to class on Monday with an idea of which one you would rather tackle. Your notebook should provide enough resources, but use the book if it helps you.

World Civ:
1. No homework.
2. Read/research the essay topics and come to class on Monday with an idea of which one would be best for you. You should not need any resources other than your notebook, but go to the book if it helps you.