Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

US History:
1. You should have finished the timeline notes in class on Thursday. If not, come in at lunch on Friday to finish them.
2. I will stamp the Venn diagram (and the timeline) notes on Friday.
3. I will hand out the essay prompts for the final exam on Friday.
4. The reading notes on "New Frontier and Great Society" are due on Monday.

World Civ:
1. We will continue discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on Friday.
2. Retake for the vocab quiz will be at tutorial next week! Don't forget, since this is the last tutorial.
3. I will hand out the essay prompts for the final exam, and a review sheet, on Friday.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Start getting your notebook in order so you can study effectively for the final! Remember that your are allowed to bring a 3x5 card to the can put whatever you want on it (both sides), but it must be handwritten by you.

We will discuss the essay soon, and if we have time, you will write it in class before finals week.

US History:
1. On Thursday, you'll have a little more time to finish your timeline notes, if you haven't already finished them.
2. As soon as you finish your notes, start working on the Venn diagram comparing MLK and Malcolm X.
3. Reading notes on "New Frontier and Great Society" are due on Monday.
4. Don't forget the Malcolm X permission slip.

World Civ:
1. Reading notes on pp. 689--691 are due on Thursday.
2. You should be ready to take the vocabulary quiz on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

US History:
1. At block, you should be able to get your Civil Rights Poster up on the wall, and take notes from other posters.
2. As soon as you finish the notes, you should start on the Venn diagram comparing Marting Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X.
3. Be sure you get a copy of the textbook homework, entitled "New Frontier and Great Society." It's based on pages 700 -- 709.
4. Don't forget the permission slip for Malcolm X.

World Civ:
1. At block, we'll go over the three major "world religions" that originated in the Middle East.
2. I will stamp your reading notes on Oil, and we'll review them briefly before taking the open-note quiz.
3. You will have time to finish the chart on key events in the formation of the modern Middle East, and we should be able to review it before the end of the period.
4. Due Thursday: Reading notes on pp. 689 -- 691.
5. Be ready for a vocabulary quiz on terms related to the Middle East (half-page handout).

I suggest European gourmet potluck. Sardines. Haggis. Boiled potatoes. Smelly cheeses. Sauer kraut. You know, the really good stuff.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Please note that we are close to the end of the year, and I will not be accepting late work unless you have an excused absence. Like you, I have lots of work that must be completed quickly at the end of the year, and I'm not able to grade piles of late work! Do your best to keep up with all assignments, so you don't get into a bad spot.

US History:
1. We'll finish our "walking timeline" posters and put them on the walls at block period. Everyone will start taking notes. Be sure you have your book.
2. If you finish your notes on the timeline posters, you will be starting a Venn diagram on Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X.

World Civ:
1. Reading notes on Oil in the Mideast are due at block. We'll review them and take an open-note quiz.
2. We will also review the chart on the formation of the modern Middle East. Be sure you have good notes on your chart.
3. Remember that we won't be taking a separate unit test on the Middle East, but it will be on the final.
4. Due on Thursday: Reading notes on 689-691. You should be prepared for a vocabulary quiz on the terms related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

US History:
1. Due Friday: Civil Rights terms.
2. Be sure you have your book with you on Friday and again next week.

World Civ:
1. Due Friday: Reading notes on pages 504 -- 506.
2. Due at block: reading notes on Oil in the Mideast. There will be an open-note quiz on these notes.
3. We should be ready for a vocabulary quiz on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by Thursday or Friday of next week.
4. Due on Thursday of next week: Reading notes on pages 689 -- 691.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

US History:
1. Due on Friday: Civil Rights terms. Be sure you are giving the significance (not just a definition) of each term. Why did this law or event matter?
2. You should have handed in your current event writeup at block.
3. If you still need to perform your Vietnam Era presentation, see me right away! We will find time for you to present!
4. Most people know the names of some famous people who fought for equal rights for African Americans. Can you name three civil rights advocates who fought for groups other than African Americans? You have to give the person's name and the group of people he/she represented.

World Civ:
1. You should have finished your map in class at block.
2. The second set of reading notes for this unit is due on Friday.
3. You should have handed in your current event writeup at block.
4. What two Palestinian groups are currently fighting bloody street battles for control of the Gaza Strip?

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

US History:
1. Civil rights terms are due on Friday.
2. Bring your books to class the rest of the week.
3. Bring the permission slip for Malcolm X, in case we have time to watch it right at the very end of the unit.

World Civ:
1. Due on Friday: part 2 of the text notes (see your assignment sheet for the page numbers).

Monday, May 21, 2007

We are on our last unit and summer is just around the corner! Finish the year strong...don't slack off. I'll hand out review sheets for the final exam soon.

US History:
1. Bring your books to class at block and for the rest of the week.
2. Block period is your last chance to get points for your notebook.
3. Current event writeup is due at block.

World Civ:
1. Bring your book to block.
2. Current event writeup is due at block.

You must return your book to the bookroom, so that next year's students can check them out! Do NOT leave them in my room.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

I will not be in class on Friday, May 18th. I am still feeling awful...hopefully, I will be my regular mean old self by Monday!

US History:
1. If you were going to do a presentation on Friday, you will have to wait until next week, so I can see it. Sorry...I know you were eager to display your talents.
2. Everyone must finish the "Response to the War in the US" reading guide by the end of the period on Friday.
3. Study over the weekend for the Vietnam test, which will be on Monday.

World Civ.:
1. Finish your reading notes on "The Ottoman Empire and Its Fall" for Monday.
2. The sub will show a video on Islam, and you will have video notes. Fill them out carefully and put them in your binder.
3. Please bring your book to class on Monday.

1. I left several choices of films to watch...pick one and play it for yourselves. If you play
Vatel (which is excellent), you will have to play it on the TV.
2. If you still haven't returned your book to the bookroom, please do so immediately. Next year's students are starting to check them out!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

US History:
1. Your "Vietnam Era Arts Festival" presentations are due on Thursday.
2. We should be ready to test on Vietnam by Monday.
3. If you didn't get points for your notebook, you have one week to get it in order and show it to me -- you must do this outside of class time.
4. Due at block next week: Current events writing assigment. See me if you have questions.

World Civ:
1. Time to start our last unit: the Middle East. You need a new divider for your notebook.
2. If you missed the China test, see as soon as possible for a make up appointment.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Fourth Quarter progress report grades go to the office on Tuesday morning. If you need to give me something, put it in my box early in the morning or it will be too late.

US History:
1. No homework...decide what you want to do for the Vietnam Era Arts Fesival.

World Civ:
1. No homework. At block, we'll discuss the Cultural Revolution a little more, and review the readings on China after Mao.
2. If we have time, we'll take the unit test on China. Be sure to bring your binder to class.

1. Don't forget to bring your books to class...we're returning them to the bookroom. Please be considerate of next year's students and return you book on time.

Friday, May 11, 2007

US History:
Think about what you would like to do for the Vietnam Era Arts Festival. Keep your notebook in order.

World History:
1. Due Monday: Reading notes on the Reforms of Deng Xiao Ping and the Tienanmen Square Incident.
2. We should be able to finish our China unit by block period, and take the test at block or on Thursday.

1. European History Film Festival is coming...I'm always looking for good films. If you have seen any good, historically accurate films that can be rented (better yet if you can lend us a copy), I would be delighted.
2. European food faire?
3. Think about the Exam and jot down any ideas you have for improving the APEH class for future years. Was there anything for which you felt unprepared?

Thursday, May 10, 2007

US History:
1. No homework.
2. Get ready to be creative! You will soon compose and perform a song (or poem or rap or play or whatever) related to the Vietnam era. This is my favorite assignment of the year. Can you guess why?

World Civ:
1. We'll watch more of the video on Friday.
2. Due Monday: readings and questions on the Tienanmen Square Incident and the Reforms of Deng Xiao Ping.
3. We should be ready for a text on China by block period next week!

Good luck to everyone! Be sure to get some lunch before going to the library. You are excused from class at 11:00 and you are due in the library at 11:30.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

US History:
1. No homework.

World Civ:
1. "Timeline of Modern Chinese History" is due on Thursday, if you didn't finish it in class.
2. See me by Friday if you didn't get points for your notebook.

1. Review, review, review!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Fourth Quarter progress report period ends Friday. See me if you have any assignments outstaanding.

If you need to make up your current event presentation, please arrange to do so by Friday. I will assign a writing assignment based on your current event notes (same as last semester), and we need to have all notes complete by then.

US History:
1. Keep your notebook in order.
2. No homework.

World Civ:
1. "Timeline of Modern Chinese History" is due Thursday, if you didn't finish it in class.
2. If you didn't get points for your notebook, you have until the end of the week to see me.

1. Review like crazy!!
2. Your test is Friday, in the Library, at 11:30. You are to be released from class at 11:00 to get lunch. You may bring snacks and water to the test!
3. Deserve Victory! (Churchill, of course.)

Monday, May 07, 2007

US History:
1. "1968" reading notes are due at block. There will be a reading quiz on this assignment.
2. Get your notebook in order!

World Civ:
1. If you didn't get points for your notebook, you have until the end of the week to bring it in and show it to in order to get credit.
2. Your chart on conditions in China before the revolution will be due at block.
3 Please bring your book to block and again on Thursday.

1. If you are planning to hand in the Ch. 31 SG for extra credit, please give that to me at block period.
2. Any late work you are eligible to hand in must reach me by the end of the week...we will discuss contemporary issues after the AP exam, but I will not accept late Study Guides, etc., after that time.
3. I hope you are reviewing madly! Bring all questions to class, but also bring answers, so you will be a good study grouper. Bring your website lists to block!
4. We're almost there...

Friday, May 04, 2007

US History
1. Text notes on "1968" are due at block. We'll be taking an open-note quiz on this section.
2. I'll be doing a notebook check in the near future.

World Civ:
1. Notebook check is coming.

1. Note that I will not accept any late Study Guides after the AP Exam, as these are intended to help you prepare for the exam. If you plan to hand in the Chapter 31 extra credit SG, I would like to have it by Monday, so you aren't trying to complete it during our review week.
2. I will have to give some rapid wrap-up lectures on the New Europe and the EU.
3. *Start working your way through the review sheets I handed out in class.
*If you are using a prep book, answer as many sample test questions as possible. Look at
sample essay questions and make brief outlines to show how you would structure the
essay and what facts/examples you would include.
*Use the online site for our textbook to view chapter outlines. Check your website list for
good online AP review sites.
4. I will be available after school for review every day next week and I will be in the room at lunch. If you come to tutorial, I will make time for you then as well. Come prepared with specific questions as well as with answers that you can offer to others at a review session.
5. I'm hoping you have read the LBP selections, which give some good insight on modern European social and political issues.