3rd Quarter has ended. Grades will be finalized on Monday and submitted to the office on Tuesday morning. They should be mailed out to you on Thursday.
US History:
1. We'll finish our review of the beginnings of the Cold War on Monday, and we will also complete our review of vocabulary. We should be ready for a couple of quick quizzes on reading notes and vocab by block period next week.
World Civ:
1. We'll continue our discussion of Marx and Lenin and their theories on Monday.
2. You should be able to explain how Lenin changed Marx's theories.
1. Start reading Chapter 30 in McKay, and the associated readings in Perry.
2. Due Monday: comparison of POV for Churchill, Khrushchev and Djilas.
3. What forms of authoritarian governments existed in the years leading to World War II? How did these dictatorships seem to offer European people the answers for the problems that they were facing?
US History:
1. We'll finish our review of the beginnings of the Cold War on Monday, and we will also complete our review of vocabulary. We should be ready for a couple of quick quizzes on reading notes and vocab by block period next week.
World Civ:
1. We'll continue our discussion of Marx and Lenin and their theories on Monday.
2. You should be able to explain how Lenin changed Marx's theories.
1. Start reading Chapter 30 in McKay, and the associated readings in Perry.
2. Due Monday: comparison of POV for Churchill, Khrushchev and Djilas.
3. What forms of authoritarian governments existed in the years leading to World War II? How did these dictatorships seem to offer European people the answers for the problems that they were facing?