Friday, February 28
US History
1. We had a short vocabulary quiz on important WWII terms. If you scored less than 7 on this 12-point quiz, you may retake it. Maximum score on the retake is 11.
2. Students took a sheet of lecture notes on the WWII homefront, and I showed some WWII posters.
3. Reminder: outline for the text section entitled "The War and Civil Rights" is due on Monday, March 3.
World Civilizations
1. First journal entry was due.
2. We watched the movie and discusse the motives of the main character.
3. Journal entry #2 is due on Monday, March 3.
Thursday, February 27
US History
1. We finished the map of WWII in the Pacific.
2. We finished the review of the timeline of WWII events.
3. I handed out a sheet with important WWII vocabulary terms, most of which should be review of material from last year. We'll take a short quiz on these terms on Friday.
World Civilizations
1. I displayed a political cartoon on the recent space shuttle tragedy, and students wrote a 3-step analysis.
2. Students finished their presentations on the stages of the Holocaust.
3. I handed out the "Shindler Journal" assignment. I will stamp students' entries each day. The whole journal will be due on March 10.
US History
1. We had a short vocabulary quiz on important WWII terms. If you scored less than 7 on this 12-point quiz, you may retake it. Maximum score on the retake is 11.
2. Students took a sheet of lecture notes on the WWII homefront, and I showed some WWII posters.
3. Reminder: outline for the text section entitled "The War and Civil Rights" is due on Monday, March 3.
World Civilizations
1. First journal entry was due.
2. We watched the movie and discusse the motives of the main character.
3. Journal entry #2 is due on Monday, March 3.
Thursday, February 27
US History
1. We finished the map of WWII in the Pacific.
2. We finished the review of the timeline of WWII events.
3. I handed out a sheet with important WWII vocabulary terms, most of which should be review of material from last year. We'll take a short quiz on these terms on Friday.
World Civilizations
1. I displayed a political cartoon on the recent space shuttle tragedy, and students wrote a 3-step analysis.
2. Students finished their presentations on the stages of the Holocaust.
3. I handed out the "Shindler Journal" assignment. I will stamp students' entries each day. The whole journal will be due on March 10.