Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Week of August 7 to August 9


I hope you had a wonderful summer.  

Check this site at least once a week for general information about school events, schedules, Trojan Times, etc. 

You will also find a brief overview of what we will cover during the week (last-minute changes are definitely possible!).  

Links and instructions for many assignments can be found in in Google Classroom.  

The official gradebook is Aeries (not Google Classroom). 

EL World History

First Assignment: You will need a 3-ring binder to organize your class materials.  Please obtain a binder as soon as possible, so that you will have a place to keep your work. This binder will be used for this class only. 

You will be using a spiral notebook to use as a vocabulary dictionary.  I will give you a spiral notebook for this purpose.  Please do not use it for any other class. 

Second Assignment: Permission Slip: Please ask your parent/guardian to read and sign the form at the bottom of the Class Handout.  Keep this in your binder. 

US History

First Assignment:  You will need a 3-ring binder to organize your class materials.  Please obtain a binder as soon as possible, so that you will have a place to keep your work. This binder will be used for this class only. 

Second Assignment: Permission Slip: Please ask your parent guardian to read/sign the Permission Slip.  Feel free to email me with any questions. 


Sunday, May 19, 2024

Week of May 20 to May 24

Schedule for this Week: 

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are regular days -- all periods meet, no blocks. 

Thursday and Friday are block days.  

Thursday: Periods 1, 3, 5 and TT (with locker cleanout).  

Friday: Periods 2, 4, 6 and TT. 

Make TT appointments for Thursday and Friday.  These are the LAST TTs of the year!  

Library Closures: The library will be closed ALL next week, May 20 to 24.  

Check your grades in Aeries.  If you have missing work that is still eligible for makeup, NOW is the time.  

Trojan Time Calendar  

Remember that TT is an academic period -- you must bring some schoolwork to do during TT.  If you don't have any work, bring a book to read.  You should not plan to spend the time gaming or chatting with friends. 

EL World History

You'll create a timeline of Modern Chinese history since 1911.  This will include the communist victory and the events of Mao's rule in China.  

Vocabulary #2.  

You'll read about Deng Xiaoping, and his reforms.  We'll cover the events that took place in Tiananmen Square in 1989. 

We'll start to review for the final exam.  

Edpuzzle video: Communism in China -- Mao.  

US History

You'll have time to finish the chart on civil rights groups other than African-Americans, and to finish your timeline notes, if necessary. 

We'll cover some recent developments, including Nixon and the Watergate Crisis, and the resurgence of conservatism under Ronald Reagan.  

You'll complete an SAQ on Civil Rights as part of your final exam. 

This Week's Edpuzzle: History vs. Richard Nixon. 

NOTE: All videos for this unit should be completed by Friday, May 24. After that, I will be busy with final exams, and I will not have time to grade late videos.  

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Week of May 13 to May 17

Schedule for this Week: 

You will have a sub (Mr. Matossian) on Monday, May 13.  I'll be back on Tuesday.  Email me with any questions or concerns. 

Farewell Assembly: Friday, May 17.  The assembly will take place during your 4th period class.  School ends at the usual time. 

TT: Both TTs are open this week. Make appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Next Week: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are regular days -- 6 periods, no blocks.  Thursday and Friday are block days with TT.  

TTs next week are on Thursday and Friday (not Tuesday and Wednesday).  If you've already made appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday, you will need to change them. 

Library Closures: The library will be closed Friday morning, May 17 for AP testing.  The library will be closed ALL next week, May 20 to 24.  

Last Day to Return Library Books: Friday, May 17. 

Check your grades in Aeries.  If you have missing work that is still eligible for makeup, NOW is the time.  

Reminderif a teacher makes a TT appointment for you, you are expected to attend that teacher's TT.  If you have questions, or want to rearrange the appointment, talk with the teacher who made the appointment.  

Trojan Time Calendar  

Remember that TT is an academic period -- you must bring some schoolwork to do during TT.  If you don't have any work, bring a book to read.  You should not plan to spend the time gaming or chatting with friends. 

EL World History

New Unit: China.

You'll take textbook notes on the Ming and Qing dynasties.  

We'll watch a video on the "Forbidden City" and discuss government in Ancient China. 

You'll learn about the Opium Wars, and the weakening and fall of the Qing Dynasty. 

You'll create a timeline of Modern Chinese history since 1911. 

US History

You will use a Venn diagram to compare/contrast the two most prominent Black civil rights activists -- Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. How does each man represent the struggle for equal civil rights? 

You'll begin work on a poster about a significant event in the Civil Rights Movement. 

You will have an opportunity to take notes on the posters. 

The Week's Edpuzzle: The Freedom Riders. 

Reminder: Weekly Edpuzzle videos are deleted after a couple of weeks.  You are intended to watch the videos during the week they are posted (no resets after the original due date!) Videos links for all units are deleted after the end of the unit. 

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Week of May 6 to May 10

 Schedule for this Week: Both TTs are open this week. Make appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Check your grades.  The year will soon be ending,  There are a few more TTs left for doing makeups, etc.  

Reminderif a teacher makes a TT appointment for you, you are expected to attend that teacher's TT.  If you have questions, or want to rearrange the appointment, talk with the teacher who made the appointment.  

Trojan Time Calendar  

Remember that TT is an academic period -- you must bring some schoolwork to do during TT.  If you don't have any work, bring a book to read.  You should not plan to spend the time gaming or chatting with friends. 

EL World History

If you would like to re-take the vocabulary quiz on Russia and the Cold War (Vocabulary notebook pages 1 - 4), make at appointment for Trojan Time this week. 

Unit Test!  The unit test on Russia and the Cold War will take place on Monday!  I will do a binder check while you take the test. 

We'll discuss the Holocaust, which took place during World War II.  

New Unit: China.

We'll start with some background information on ancient China, and Chinese government under the emperors. 

We'll watch a video about the "Forbidden City." 

You will complete a map of China. 

US History

On Monday, you'll take the unit test on the Vietnam War, and hand in a binder packetEdpuzzle videos for the Vietnam unit will be deleted after the test. 

New Unit: The Civil Rights Movement.  

You'll receive a list of essential vocabulary terms -- there will be a vocabulary quiz, of course!

We'll cover basic concepts related to civil rights -- what do we mean by "rights?"  

We'll discuss the beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement of the late 50s and 60s, including the murder of Emmitt Till.  

You will compare/contrast the two most prominent Black civil rights activists -- Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. 

The Week's Edpuzzle: Overview of the Civil Rights Movement. 

Reminder: Weekly Edpuzzle videos are deleted after a couple of weeks.  You are intended to watch the videos during the week they are posted (no resets after the original due date!) Videos links for all units are deleted after the end of the unit. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Week of April 29 to May 3

Schedule for this Week: Both TTs are open this week. Make appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Fourth quarter progress report period ended Friday, April 19.  Grades were submitted to the office on Wednesday, April 24.

As far as I can tell, there's nothing special going on this week.  

Reminderif a teacher makes a TT appointment for you, you are expected to attend that teacher's TT.  If you have questions, or want to rearrange the appointment, talk with the teacher who made the appointment.  

Trojan Time Calendar  

Remember that TT is an academic period -- you must bring some schoolwork to do during TT.  If you don't have any work, bring a book to read.  You should not plan to spend the time gaming or chatting with friends. 

EL World History

ELAC Awards Night: Thursday in the Library, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. You can attend with or without a parent!

You'll get your last set of vocabulary words for this unit (#4).  This means a vocabulary quiz is on they way!  

You'll complete a map of Cold War Europe.  

We'll cover the USSR after the death of Stalin, and the eventual fall of the USSR. 

Vocabulary Quiz: Thursday!

We'll review this unit, and get ready of a unit test!

Edpuzzle: Fall of the USSR

US History

On Friday, students who were in class watched "Dear America" about the lives of soldiers in Vietnam. If you were at the assembly, you were excused from this assignment. 

We'll review the events of 1968, a critical year when the American public largely turned against the war. 

As the war went on, many sectors of the American public began to oppose it. 

We'll cover the mounting protests against the war, including the anti-draft movement and the rise of the "counterculture." 

Quiz: 1968.

The US ceased combat action in Vietnam in 1973, and the war was over by 1975. We'll discuss the US withdrawal. 

You'll have a chance to review the unit, and it will be time for a unit test!

Videos: We'll watch a couple of short videos this week, but we'll do them together as a class.  One will cover the terrible incident known as the My Lai Massacre, and the other will deal with the final fall of Saigon and the triumph of the communists.

Next Up: The Civil Rights Movement.  

Reminder: Weekly Edpuzzle videos are deleted after a couple of weeks.  You are intended to watch the videos during the week they are posted (no resets after the original due date!) Videos links for all units are deleted after the end of the unit. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Week of April 22 to April 26

Schedule for this Week: Both TTs are open this week. Make appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Fourth quarter progress report period ended Friday, April 19.  Grades will be submitted to the office on Wednesday, April 24.  Items turned in after April 19 may/may not make it into the Progress Report grade. 

Special Schedules Thursday and Friday: I'll have more information later in the week. 

Reminderif a teacher makes a TT appointment for you, you are expected to attend that teacher's TT.  If you have questions, or want to rearrange the appointment, talk with the teacher who made the appointment.  

Trojan Time Calendar  

Remember that TT is an academic period -- you must bring some schoolwork to do during TT.  If you don't have any work, bring a book to read.  You should not plan to spend the time gaming or chatting with friends. 

EL World History

We'll finish our coverage of Stalin and move on to the Cold War. 

New vocabulary!

We'll cover the USSR after the death of Stalin and the eventual collapse of the USSR.  

Edpuzzle: Joseph Stalin

US History

Current Unit: Cold War Case Study -- Vietnam.

If you need to retake the vocabulary quiz (Vietnam Vocabulary), come to TT this week.

We'll cover the Gulf of Tonkin Incident and the escalation of the war under LBJ. 

Politics alert: the election of 1968.  

What happened to LBJ's presidency?  How was he "defeated" by the war in Vietnam? 

Edpuzzle for this Week: Gulf of Tonkin Incident. 

Optional Edpuzzle: Tet Offensive. 

Reminder: Weekly Edpuzzle videos are deleted after a couple of weeks.  You are intended to watch the videos during the week they are posted (no resets after the original due date!) Videos links for all units are deleted after the end of the unit. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Week of April 15 to April 19

Schedule for this Week: There are no TTs this week!  If you need to see me, drop by at lunch. 

Fourth quarter progress report period ends this Friday, April 19.  Check your grade in Aeries and talk to your teachers about missing assignments. 

SBAC Testing Monday through Thursday.  Check the school website for the schedule. Bell Schedules

Monday - Thursday all periods are block periods. Odd-numbered periods on Monday and Wednesday; even-numbered periods on Tuesday and Thursday. Friday is a regular day. 

Reminderif a teacher makes a TT appointment for you, you are expected to attend that teacher's TT.  If you have questions, or want to rearrange the appointment, talk with the teacher who made the appointment.  

Trojan Time Calendar  

Remember that TT is an academic period -- you must bring some schoolwork to do during TT.  If you don't have any work, bring a book to read.  You should not plan to spend the time gaming or chatting with friends. 

EL World History

We'll continue our unit on the Russian Revolution and the Cold War. 

Vocabulary -- you'll add new words to your vocabulary dictionary. 

We'll cover the Russian Civil War, and learn how the communists were able to win the war and take over Russia.

Joseph Stalin -- who was he and how did he rule Russia?  Spoiler alert -- he was a monster. 

Edpuzzle for this week: Joseph Stalin

US History

Current Unit: The Cold War.  

We're coming to the end of this unit.

We'll review on Monday/Tuesday, and then take the unit test. Be sure to bring your binder!

New Unit: The Vietnam War

We'll start with a map, and then discuss how the US became involved in Vietnam (hint: Containment). 

Edpuzzle for this Week: Roots of a War.

Reminder: Weekly Edpuzzle videos are deleted after a couple of weeks.  You are intended to watch the videos during the week they are posted (no resets after the original due date!) Videos links for all units are deleted after the end of the unit.