Ms. Cox's Classes

Daily log for Ms. Cox's social studies classes.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Week of Oct. 14 to Oct. 18

This Week's Schedule: Both TTs are open this week. Make appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday. 

First Quarter ended on October 10th.  Check Aeries and see me about grade issues. I will submit your grades electronically on Wednesday, Oct. 16. 

Sub Alert: I will be absent on Thursday, Oct 17, Friday, Oct. 18 and Monday, Oct. 21.  Mr. Matossian will be your sub.  Mr. M will stamp your work, and I will score it when I return.  

Great Shake (Earthquake Drill) will take place on Thursday, Oct. 17.  This is a full drill -- you will evacuate and then go to the stadium WITH YOUR CLASS.  Please remain with your class throughout the drill. 

Classes will be a bit shorter.  The drill takes place during your 3rd period class. School is out at the usual time. 

Earthquake Drill Schedule

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

You'll take notes and answer questions on France before the Revolution.

More vocabulary -- French Revolution #2. 

Reading: Three Unequal Estates.  Poster: The Three Estates. 

Vocabulary Quiz!

Edpuzzle Video for this unit: The French Revolution. 

US History

We finished our unit on the Civil War.  If you missed the unit test or the writing assignment, make a TT appointment for Tuesday or Wednesday. 

You will make a new divider for our new unit: Industrialization, Immigration and the Progressives. 

We'll start with an overview of the transformations that took place during the era of industrialization in the US.  These changes were good for American businesses - but were they good for American society as a whole? 

Textbook Questions: The Rise of Industrialism. The textbook section for this assignment will be posted in Google Classroom. 

This week's Edpuzzle video: You will be watching a full-length video in class while I'm absent. You'll  receive video notes for this video ("Our Plan"), which I will post as an Edpuzzle.

Quiz: Rise of Industrialism (includes the text notes and the video). 

Sunday, October 06, 2024

Week of Oct. 7 to Oct. 10

This Week's Schedule: There are no open TTs this week.  Tuesday and Wednesday are PSAT days.  Check the schedule on the CVHS website. 

Friday, Oct. 11th and Monday, Oct. 14 are no-school days 😀

Tuesday Pre-Psat

Wednesday PSAT

Student testing locations are in Teachmore. 

Thursday is a "modified" regular day.  All periods meet; school is out at 2:30. 

First Quarter ends on October 10th Check Aeries and see me about grade issues. 

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

We've started a new unit on the French Revolution.  You should have a new divider for this unit in your binder. 

This week, we'll cover the situation in Europe in the 1600s and 1700s.

You'll read about Louis XIV, the "Sun King," and take notes on France before the Revolution, including the three estates. 

Edpuzzle Video for this unit: The French Revolution. 

US History

We're wrapping up our unit on the Civil War. 

You'll finish your T-chart identifying the ways in which the Northern Republicans attempts to reform the South were successful and/or unsuccessful. 

You'll write a rough draft of a paragraph on the success/failure of Reconstruction, supported by evidence from your T-chart. 

Review sheet: Civil War Crossword. 

Final draft of your paragraph: Tuesday or Wednesday (see schedule).

Civil War unit test: Thursday. 

This week's Edpuzzle video: The South during Reconstruction.  

Monday, September 30, 2024

Week of Sep. 30 to Oct. 4

This Week's Schedule: Both TTs are open. You need appointments for both Tuesday and Wednesday. 

First Quarter ends on October 10th.  

There are no open TTs next week.  You will be preparing for and taking the PSAT. 

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

You'll take a quiz on Philosophers and Types of Government.  I will do a binder check while you take the quiz.  

We'll start a new unit on the French Revolution.  

Textbook Notes: you'll use your textbook to take notes and answer questions about the French Revolution and Napoleon. 

We'll preview the unit, using a diagram, and you'll get into discussion groups to talk about the changes of the French Revolution. 

We'll discuss Roman Numerals. 

We'll cover the situation in Europe in the 1600s and 1700s, and discuss the "three estates," the traditional social classes of France.  

Edpuzzle Video for this week: The French Revolution. 

You can still watch the video for our first unit until the end of this week: Social Contract: Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. 

US History

On Monday, you'll take a quiz on our coverage of the politics of slavery and the events leading to the Civil War. 

You'll complete a map of the US during the Civil War, and a timeline of major Civil War Events. 

You'll read and annotate the Gettysburg Address

We'll cover the time period immediately following the Civil War -- Reconstruction, and you'll create a T-chart identifying the ways in which the Northern Republicans attempts to reform the South were successful and/or unsuccessful. 

This week's Edpuzzle video: The Gettysburg Address

Reminder: videos from the Expansion unit are no longer available. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Week of Sep. 23 to Sep. 27

 This Week's Schedule: Both TTs are open. You need appointments for both Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Short day on Friday -- Homecoming parade and rally! 

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

EL World History

We'll continue to review our Social Studies Vocabulary. 

We'll review the philosophers of government

You'll type a final draft of your paragraph about one of the philosophers and their ideas.  

You'll take a quiz on the types of government and the philosophers of government. 

If we have time, you may also take a vocabulary quiz. 

Edpuzzle video for this week: Social Contract: Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. 

US History

If you missed last week's quiz on Expansion, see me right away to arrange a makeup. You also need to turn in a packet from your binder. 

We'll continue with our new unit on the Civil War. 

We'll cover the sectional conflict over slavery, and the major events that led to the Civil War. 

This week's Edpuzzle video: Secession and Civil War. 

Reminder: videos from the Expansion unit are no longer available. 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Week of Sep. 16 to Sep. 20

This Week's Schedule: Tuesday's TT is open, but Wednesday is closed. 

On Wednesday at TT, you'll complete a reading assessment.  You MUST have your school chromebook with you to take the assessment. If you don't take the assessment on Wednesday, you'll be pulled from class on a later date to complete it. 

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

1st Quarter Progress Report grades were filed last week. 

EL World History

We'll continue to review our Social Studies Vocabulary. 

We'll review the philosophers of government

You'll be writing a paragraph about one of the philosophers and their ideas.  

Edpuzzle video for this week: Social Contract: Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. 

US History

On Monday, we'll review "New Era in Politics," and discuss the presidency of Andrew Jackson.   

After Andrew Jackson, we'll be ready for a quiz at block period.  This will cover recent material: The New Government, Early US Policies, and the territorial expansion map and chart.  

New Unit: The Civil War.  You'll make a new divider for your binder and create a spoke diagram listing facts you know about the Civil War.  You'll complete a reading with a chart showing sectionalism.  

We'll cover some Civil War Basics. 

This week's Edpuzzle video: The Missouri Compromise. 

Reminder: when we move to the new unit, links for videos from the previous unit will be deleted. 

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Week of Sep. 9 to Sep. 13

This Week's Schedule: Both TTs are open this week. Make appointments for Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

1st Quarter Progress Report grades are due on Tuesday. Any changes should be made by Monday, Sep. 9. 

Dodgeball tournament this week. 

EL World History

You'll write a short paragraph on democracy. 

We'll start to prepare for a big vocabulary quiz on all of our social studies vocabulary.  

We'll continue our unit with an examination of the main philosophers of government.  You'll complete a reading and a chart on the philosophers. 

You'll be writing about one of the philosophers and their ideas.  

Edpuzzle video for this week: Social Contract: Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. 

US History

We've transitioned from our first unit on the "Colonies to the Constitution" to our second unit on "Expansion of the USA." You should have a new divider in your binder for the current unit.  

Quiz on Monday: Territorial Expansion (pages 130-135). 

We'll cover the early US government under George Washington, and the early policies of the United States. 

You'll create a map and chart tracking the territories that were added to the USA between 1776 and 1898.

We'll continue to discuss the response of Native Americans to European migration and settlement. 

If we have time, we'll discuss the policies of President Andrew Jackson.  

After Andrew Jackson, we'll be ready for a quiz -- next week at block.  This will cover recent material: The New Government, Early US Policies, and the territorial expansion map and chart.  

This week's Edpuzzle video: The Indian Removal Act. 

Monday, September 02, 2024

Week of Sept. 3 to Sept. 6

This Week's Schedule: Tuesday's TT is open. Make an appointment. Wednesday is closed - go to your "9th period" class. 

Reminder: if you come to TT in room 122, you MUST bring academic work.  If you don't have homework or studying to do, bring a book to read.  

Dodgeball signups are this week; the tournament is next week. 

EL World History

We'll continue our focus on Democracy, including the history of democracy. 

More new vocabulary!  We'll start to prepare for a big vocabulary quiz on all of our social studies vocabulary.  

We'll continue our unit with an examination of the main philosophers of government. 

Edpuzzle video for this week: Government.  

US History

We've wrapped up our first unit -- Colonies to Constitution.  If you missed the quiz last Friday, see me immediately to arrange a makeup. You also need to hand in material from your binder. 

You should have a new divider in your binder for the current unit: Expansion of the United States. 

Due at block: You maps of the physical features of the United States, and the question sheet.  

Due on Thursday: Cornell notes on pp. 130-135, "Territorial Expansion." 

You'll learn about early contact between European settlers and Native Americans.  We will have an "open-note" reading quiz on this material, either on Friday or Monday of next week. 

Next Up: the early US government under George Washington, and the early policies of the United States. 

This week's Edpuzzle video: Western Expansion and Manifest Destiny.